Lifestyles of the Super Healthy

Lifestyles of the Super Healthy

So you eat right, you're getting enough exercise, you're in better shape than you were a year ago, and certainly better off than that poor slob in Marketing. But still, you know you're missing something –  that healthy, confident glow that separates the healthy man from the Ultra-Healthy Man.

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Blue zone secrets to living a long, healthy life

Blue zone secrets to living a long, healthy life

A blue zone way of life is achievable by anyone.  Consider how our health would change if we all embraced the philosophy of such a lifestyle.  Once you’ve crossed into the blue zone, you’ll never want to go back to your old way of living. 

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9 reasons why you’re not losing weight

9 reasons why you’re not losing weight

Weight loss is tough.  Add in certain factors sabotaging your valiant efforts and it becomes even tougher.  Consciously or subconsciously weight loss efforts can be influenced by your actions, feelings, and your environmental surrounding.  Here’s a look at what might be limiting actual pounds lost

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8 unexpected reasons why you have excessive gas

8 unexpected reasons why you have excessive gas

It’s a normal and yet our most embarrassing bodily process all of us do daily - pass gas.  The medical term for it is flatulence and it often stems from intestinal gurgles, cramps and bloating to the actually passing of gas.  Even though it is a natural function, when gas is excessive, it can affect your life with discomfort and can put you in very awkward social situations. 

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When friends or family undermine your weight loss efforts

When friends or family undermine your weight loss efforts

Surely your friends and family will be supportive cheering you on in your weight loss efforts every step of the way, right?  For some people that is true, but for others, these supposedly supportive individuals may actually be doing things sabotaging your weight loss goals.  If may not necessarily be intentional, but there are subtle hints that they really kind of like you as already you are.  There could be underlying currents of jealously, worry over the fact you may change in personality, or maybe they would like to lose weight themselves but lack motivation to do so wishing you would get off this weight loss kick.

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12 simple and safe ways to naturally lose weight

12 simple and safe ways to naturally lose weight

Type in “How to lose weight” and page after page of all sorts of weight loss articles pop up.  Some will contain valuable, scientifically-based advice that can provide the information you are looking for.  But then there are the rest – the ones providing bad advice on weight loss that is questionable at best and is not based on any actual science.

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What does metabolic syndrome mean for my health?

What does metabolic syndrome mean for my health?

The term metabolic syndrome is used a lot within the medical community.  But as a patient, what exactly does it mean?  Think of metabolic syndrome sort of like a doctor telling you of a condition you have that if you don’t make certain lifestyle changes, than there will be serious health consequences in the future. 

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When weight loss is unintentional

 When weight loss is unintentional

The spontaneous act of dropping pounds unintentionally may seem like a dream for many but not for those who are not deliberately trying to lose weight.  Anytime a person’s weight goes down without trying, it could be a sign of something more serious and should be addressed by a doctor. The sooner a person with unintended weight loss sees their doctor, the quicker they can figure out why weight loss is occurring and then work on getting back to a healthy weight.

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No more body shaming - how to accept a healthy body weight

No more body shaming - how to accept a healthy body weight

Nothing beats the ability to look in the mirror and accept yourself as you are. The ability to say, “Hey I look good. I like my current weight as I feel healthy and full of energy.” Yet how many people say this to themselves - particularly women? 

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The Five Basic Keys to Living Healthy

 There are hundreds of articles published everyday, in everything from scholarly medical journals to teen websites, that aspire to tell you how to live a healthier life. But analyze them closely, break them down into their component bits, and the “secrets” they all feverishly purport to reveal come down to five very basic behaviors that have long been known to reduce the risk of chronic diseases:

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Diabetes – would you recognize it if you had it?

November is American Diabetes Month making it a good time to learn more about this 7th leading cause of death in the United States.  Understanding the different types of diabetes and symptoms to look for is important so treatment can get started to slow down or prevent major health complications.

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