How to turn hurting feet into happy feet

How to turn hurting feet into happy feet

 robably just about all of us have experienced and complained of aching feet.  Maybe it stemmed from standing all day in uncomfortable shoes or walking a long distance on an unforgiving surface. 

Whatever the reason, when our feet hurt, life can be miserable.  There can be numerous causes for feet to hurt but for chronic pain or discomfort, there is a good chance it is due to one of the following reasons.  However, if foot pain does not go away or get better, always contact a podiatrist for a full foot evaluation to figure out the origin of hurting feet.

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Treat ankle sprains to prevent ankle instability

Treat ankle sprains to prevent ankle instability

It can happen within a blink of an eye - a sprained ankle.  No matter the cause, the rolling of the ankle outward while the foot turns inward and you will know you’re going to be hurting.  About 25,000 Americans have this mishap occur every day according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons making ankle sprains the most common ankle injury in the majority of sporting and other activities.    Even though ankle sprains may seem trivial, anyone who has experienced this unfortunate event may have extended prolonged or chronic ankle instability leading to feelings of the ankle “giving way” during normal activities of daily living.

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