10 ingenious fitness tips you probably are not doing

10 ingenious fitness tips you probably are not doing

We’ve heard the advice and recommendations of getting fit and in shape. We know the many benefits exercise and physical activity brings to our lives. But there may be some fitness ideas you might not thought of to spur you on keeping your exercise routine fresh and exciting.

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Can a person be both fat and fit?

No doubt most of you are aware of a controversy ignited by former model Cheryl Tiegs who twice graced the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine years ago.  Recently, Tiegs came under scrutiny when she criticized the current model featured on the cover of the same magazine, Ashley Graham, of her curvaceous, full-figured body.

Tiegs stated, “I don’t like that we’re talking about full-figured women because it’s glamorizing them because your waist should be smaller than 35 inches.  No, I don’t think it’s healthy.  Her face is beautiful.  Beautiful.  But I don’t think it’s healthy in the long run.”

Does she have a point?  Is a person with a body mass index (BMI), placing them in the overweight (25-29.9) to obese category (30 and higher), automatically unhealthy?  Or can a person with an above average BMI still be a fit and healthy individual? 

Health at every size movement

As a health professional, we tell people all the time they need to strive to be at an ideal body weight for their height .  However, there is a movement called “Health at Every Size (HAES) offering an alternative to overly restrictive diet programs claiming that the health risks of being overweight to obese have been exaggerated in research and in the news media.  Their philosophy is a person can be at whatever weight they want as long as they are both physically and emotionally as healthy as they can be at that weight.  They feel unrealistic expectations and social stigma are often at the root of weight issues for many people.  Their focus is on healthy behaviors, not weight loss.  HAES proposes individuals should accept their body’s size and shape, no matter what the weight is, as long as they are healthy and fit. 

The approach HAES takes has gained endorsement from numerous eating disorder groups such as The Academy for Eating Disorder and the Binge Eating Disorders Association.

However, not all health professionals are embracing this new approach with open arms. 

What science tells us

So what does research have to say?  We know approximately one third of adults in the United States are obese or have a BMI of 30 or greater.  We also know obesity increases the risk of many diseases – heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, abnormal blood lipids, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and fatty liver disease.  Carrying around excess weight increases the risk of osteoarthritis leading to joint problems of the hips and knees in addition to higher risks of gout and gallbladder disease.

Women who carry excess weight have more difficulty in becoming pregnant, a higher risk of gestational diabetes, miscarriage, stillbirth, and complications during labor and delivery.  Overweight to obese men have worse sperm quality, lowered testosterone levels reducing fertility and the risk of erectile dysfunction.

Depending on where the excess weight is located makes a difference too.  Abdominal or belly fat does pose a higher health risk than fat distributed predominately on the hips and thighs. 

Even though being overweight to obese can increase health risks, it is estimated about 35% of obese people are “metabolically healthy” meaning they have normal blood pressure, glucose levels, and blood lipid profiles.  For the rest of the majority (65%) who don’t have normal health profiles in these areas, they are at a greater risk for health problems. 

The key is will the 35% of metabolically healthy yet obese individuals be able to maintain a healthy profile long-term?  A 2015 20-year follow-up study found that most of these individuals will over time, progress to an unhealthy state at a rate eight times greater than healthy nonobese individuals.  It appears it is more the exception than the norm to be able to remain a healthy obese person as the years go by. 

Finding a happy medium

Where does this leave us in regards to providing scientific evidence-based advice for overweight to obese individuals on knowing what is the best answer for maintaining health throughout their life?  Can a person really be healthy and fit at any size?

Here are points for all those overweight to obese to consider:

·         An obese person may be able to keep healthy for relatively long periods of time but it is still best to try to have a BMI between 18 and 25.   

·         About one-half of obese people who can maintain good health over 20 years eventually become metabolically unhealthy. 

·         Losing some weight reduces a tremendous amount of wear and tear off joints along with improving cardiovascular health.  This is particularly noticeable as a person ages and osteoarthritis sets in. 

·         Adopting a more healthy diet made up of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains can be helpful with weight loss as these foods have fiber which helps you feel fuller longer.  

·         Maintaining a consistent exercise regimen will aid in achieving a more healthy body weight and also help in increasing the likelihood of avoiding many diseases associated with obesity. 

Final thoughts

We come in all shapes and sizes and we are not meant to all look the same – thank goodness!  Genetics certainly plays a role in what our weight is but so does environment.   We can’t change our genetics but we can change our environment.    

Cheryl Tiegs and Ashley Graham have completely different body types and yet both are beautiful.  No matter what your body type is – slender, stocky, athletic – the goal is for all of us regardless of our weight, to take personal responsibility in our health habits.  This means choosing healthy foods, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, reducing stress, not smoking is what will set us up for success both mentally and physically.  When this is practiced for a lifetime, the payoff is usually getting in better shape with good to excellent health. 

If you are carrying excess weight that most likely will result in developing health problems over time, take action now to at least make the attempt to apply good health habits to your lifestyle.  Bottom line, each of us has our own unique look and when we love and care enough about ourselves to promote our health, the chips tend to fall in place getting us the body we deserve. 

Here's Your Exercise Routine...for Work?

Here's Your Exercise Routine...for Work?

One of the biggest issues facing us as a modern society is that our lives revolve around sedentary activities. Driving, lengthy commutes, our office jobs, TV and movies.  Everything is done sitting down.   According to the WHO (World Health Organization) physical inactivity is the 4th leading cause of death globally. Prolonged sitting will also increase the risk of type 2 diabetes by 90%. 

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10 Tips For Your Morning Workout

10 Tips For Your Morning Workout

If you're one of those people who has embraced the morning workout routine, kudos! But are you longing for the days when every time you worked out, you felt fresh and rejuvenated? Exercise is incredibly important for our overall health and losing weight If you're at the point when exercise is part of your daily routine (good for you!), but feeling like you're not getting the maximum benefits out of your workout, here are 7 tips to boost it.

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7 Secrets to Burn More Fat While Running

7 Secrets to Burn More Fat While Running

Running is probably mankind’s oldest physical endeavor. Good ol` fashion running still matters. Even further, this summer when you're on vacation, running on the sand will boost your calorie burn rate. Running on the sand makes your body have to work twice as hard to get over it. You expend at least 150% more energy and burn more calories running on sand than on hard surfaces—and it actually makes you faster. Everyone understands the obvious benefits of running but did you know there's ways to burn more fat? 

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7 Healthy Reasons to Embrace Running

7 Healthy Reasons to Embrace Running

Running is probably mankind’s oldest physical endeavor. Good ol` fashion running still matters. Even further, this summer when you're on vacation, running on the sand will boost your calorie burn rate. Running on the sand makes your body have to work twice as hard to get over it. You expend at least 150% more energy and burn more calories running on sand than on hard surfaces—and it actually makes you faster. Everyone understands the obvious benefits of running but here are 7 you may not have thought of yet. 

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The Swimming Routine For Everyone

The Swimming Routine For Everyone

High-intensity interval training is by far the healthiest and best way to workout for most people. What are the options for this type of workout? Of course, you can run, bike and hit the weight room but there still continues to be the best workout possible and that's swimming. Swimming is cardio, strength, HIIT, and flexibility all wrapped up in one workout. Plus, even more importantly, swimming is restorative, meaning you can swim day after day and now suffer from overuse injuries. Are you yawning at the thought of simple swim laps. Here are 8 swimming workouts to try. 

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HIIT: The Best Workout Approach

HIIT: The Best Workout Approach

Over the last decade, interval training has been believed to be the best workout for most people. As the go-to fitness routine, interval training improves strength and endurance over moderate-intensity steady-state cardiovascular exercise. Study after study has shown that interval training, particularly high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is the gold standard for rapid results in speed, strength and endurance, be it from running, cycling, weight training or using cardio machines at your gym. 

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5 Workout Moves For A Flatter Stomach

5 Workout Moves For A Flatter Stomach

For many people, the waist is often the first place excess fat goes. Unfortunately, it is also one of the hardest areas on our bodies to lose weight. Having a “muffin top” is not only unappealing, but it is also unhealthy to have on our bodies. In fact, having excess belly, or abdominal, fat is worse than having excess fat on most other places on our body. Belly fat or visceral fat is a huge proponent of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes and can even bring on stroke. Here are 5 tips to help get rid of that belly fat.

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The Simplest Bodyweight Workout

The Simplest Bodyweight Workout

Athletes are not the only ones who should do bodyweight workouts. Bodyweight workouts are great for on the go and help keep you fit but if you're not interested in bulking up this is for you. With a little space and your body weight, and any small free weights you have (if you want), you can get a full body workout without stepping foot into a weight room.

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TRX: Latest Workout Trend?

TRX: Latest Workout Trend?

A new workout trend is hitting gyms everywhere. Enter, the TRX suspension-training system. It increases the effectiveness on virtually ever exercise known. Why? Because it requires you to not only work against your body weight and gravity, but it forces you to constantly keep yourself stabilized. Adding tension like this to any move is going to up the ante. Every single move is a core exercise without you having to really think about it. 

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Strength Training vs. Cardio: Which comes first?

Strength Training vs. Cardio: Which comes first?

Strength training or cardio first? No wait, it's cardio then strength training. By now, you probably have seen this debate unfold in a number of ways. We all want to build a lean, fit body but not everyone wants to bulk up. Women are most of time looking tone their body without having bulky muscle. But we know if you desire that lean body, sticking to the treadmill or elliptical just isn't enough. 

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You Can Learn to Love Exercising

You Can Learn to Love Exercising

Exercise can seem so difficult and at times we really dread the idea of lifting a weight or stepping foot on a stairstepper. The truth is, is you embrace exercise it really can make an impact on your overall health and well-being. The hardest part begins with getting started. The key is changing your perspective on exercise and being active. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to run on the treadmill for an hour. Love the idea of toning? Do yoga. Enjoy getting your groove on, embrace zumba. There are a million and one options for adding physical activity to your daily routine. Even just 20 minutes can do wonders and after all, is better than nothing. 

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Healthier Habits Have An Instant Effect On the Body

Healthier Habits Have An Instant Effect On the Body

If you're embarking down a healthier path for your life, you may be struggling with the changes, especially if they're dramatic. An example: going from never working out to working out 5 times per week. Or cutting bread and unhealthy sugary foods out of your diet. These habit changes are going to have a major effect on your life but whether you know it or now, your body immediately changes and responds the moment you begin making healthier choices, whether they be small or big. 

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