Exercises for healthy, happy, and fit feet

Exercises for healthy, happy, and fit feet

Think about it - where would we be without our feet?  Not very far! From the moment we wake up and our feet hit the floor, they probably take some of the most daily abuse of any part of our body. 

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Battle Ropes

Battle Ropes

Mixed martial artists have sung their praises for a while, because they're arguably the best single source of exercise for full-body strength and endurance. But now other sports' athletes – including weekend warriors – have discovered battle ropes.

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Strength: more than muscles

Strength: more than muscles

Many reps of light weights, or fewer reps of heavier weights? Both camps have their adherents, as well they might, since researchers have found evidence that lifting more repetitions of lighter weight can build muscle mass just as well as fewer reps of heavier weight

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Runner's Hematuria

Runner's Hematuria

If you are a runner, particularly of the long-distance sort, you may have been startled to discover blood in your urine following a race. It's a not uncommon occurrence for men, but much more unusual among women. The condition is called runner's hematuria.

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This is why you need strong core muscles

This is why you need strong core muscles

When our core muscles are weak, we tend to slouch resulting in poor posture.  Good posture makes you appear slimmer and projects confidence.  Standing tall also lessens wear and tear on the spine and allows you to breathe deeply. 

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How exercise can ease depression

How exercise can ease depression

If there is one thing a doctor should strongly consider prescribing to a patient suffering from depression is exercise. Even though exercise is more likely associated with benefitting the heart, muscles, lungs, and bones, new research is now focusing on how it improves the brain.  It appears breaking a sweat and moving around can result in a reduced likelihood of depression. 

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Why your muscles don't grow

Why your muscles don't grow

You finally tamed your schedule and ginned up enough discipline to be hitting the gym 5-6 days a week. You’ve burned a lot of calories, lost a shirt size or two, and feel so much better. Still, there you have that one nagging concern...

“Where are the muscles?” you’ve been asking yourself. “There were supposed to be muscles...”

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Bike your way to great health

Bike your way to great health

Maybe it’s been awhile since you’ve straddled a bicycle.  Or maybe your bike sits collecting dust in a storage shed or garage, forgotten but still useable.  Now may be a good time to wheel it out, check it over and hop on.  Riding a bike is one of the most active ways to not only spend leisure time but can be a terrific workout.  A bike ride can be as challenging or as laid back as the path or road you choose.  Opt for a challenging terrain with lots of hills and valleys and you’ll be huffing and puffing in no time, burning calories and strengthening muscles. 

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Four essential secrets to getting the body you want

Four essential secrets to getting the body you want

It’s no secret that if you want to lose some weight, get in shape and have a better body, exercise must be part of that equation to achieve those results.  What is a secret though is why some people seem to be so much better at achieving and maintaining their fitness than others?  Is it genetics, time of day they exercise, the type of equipment they use, or what? 

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The Emperor of the The Gym: The Rowing Machine

The Emperor of the The Gym: The Rowing Machine

Even with all the pulleys, sliding seats, and adjustable weights, rowing machines today still seem a little old-fashioned. Perhaps because they were fixtures in gyms back when gyms were just gyms, and didn't double as smoothie cafés, yoga schools, or pick-up bars. But today, just as in your grandfather's time, few machines can give you as good a workout in as short a period of time as a rowing machine.

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