Detoxify Your Body and Get Healthy

Detoxify Your Body and Get Healthy

We often accept having low energy, unwanted body fat, constipation, a weakened immune system, and an unhealthy physical appearance as regular health problems. Detoxifying is way to alleviate this.

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Why you should be eating with chopsticks

Why you should be eating with chopsticks

Despite not always being the easiest, most of us have tried eating our Chinese takeout with chopsticks.  Even while stumbling over our own ineptness, the experience is always fun and eating feels a bit more exotic in our dining rooms.

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Smoothies for Better Skin

Smoothies for Better Skin

What if you never had to use bronzer again?  What if we told you all you needed was to modify what you ate?  With so many great products out there, it is easy to forget that the food we put into our bodies is still the best way to get great skin.  Now that summer is upon us, that healthy glow is what we are looking for.  

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Chia Seeds set to become winner among global health crops

Chia Seeds set to become winner among global health crops

Chia Seeds set to become winner among global health crops. Chia seeds are set to become the next quinoa in the superfoods market. Chia seeds are grown in small quantities in Southern America and almost unheard of globally.

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Decrease Soda, Decrease Risk of Diabetes

Decrease Soda, Decrease Risk of Diabetes

Americans consume nearly 130 pounds of added sugars per person every year.  This includes both sugar and high fructose corn syrup.  These sugars lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart disease and can be found in sweetened.

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Dangerous Food Myths Debunked

Dangerous Food Myths Debunked

Somehow from one study, widespread public opinion deems that soy or something else is absolutely "terrible" for us. But the truth is, there are a million and one nuances inside statements like these. Here are 5 food myths we're going to debunk.

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Got lactose intolerance? Go ahead, drink milk

Got lactose intolerance?  Go ahead, drink milk

Are you unnecessarily avoiding milk because you have lactose intolerance?  If you are, you do not need to avoid milk and milk products as long as you understand the amounts and types of dairy foods that can be a part of your daily diet.  

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Probiotics May Help Relieve Seasonal Allergies

Probiotics May Help Relieve Seasonal Allergies

A review of over 20 previous studies found that those suffering from hay fever might find relief in probiotics. Hay fever is most often a seasonal allergy that occurs as a reaction to pollen in the air.  During the spring and summer these pollens come from trees, grass, and other plants that are pollinating. 

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‘Gluten-sensitive’ people opt for gluten-free diet: Myth and fad diet debunked

‘Gluten-sensitive’ people opt for gluten-free diet: Myth and fad diet debunked

'Gluten-free diet’ aka the new fad. Many people are trying to go gluten-free because they think it’s healthier, may treat their ‘sensitivity’ to gluten, or possibly even because it’s trendy. But unless you have been diagnosed with a condition in which gluten is clinically deemed as harmful, a gluten-free diet does not make much sense.

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Foods to prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Foods to prevent Alzheimer’s disease

A new study at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago suggest that there are certain foods that can help prevent Alzheimer's disease. The researchers developed a diet program called the MIND diet. They said it may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by 53 percent.

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