Control diabetes easier with exercise

Control diabetes easier with exercise

A diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is a wakeup call to taking better care of yourself.  One way to accomplish this is through physical activity or exercise.  Increasing movement throughout the day will lead to feeling better and best news of all, reduces the risk of common complications associated with diabetes such as problems with your kidneys, feet, nerves, eyes and heart.

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Four essential secrets to getting the body you want

Four essential secrets to getting the body you want

It’s no secret that if you want to lose some weight, get in shape and have a better body, exercise must be part of that equation to achieve those results.  What is a secret though is why some people seem to be so much better at achieving and maintaining their fitness than others?  Is it genetics, time of day they exercise, the type of equipment they use, or what? 

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Weight, Exercise & Testosterone

Weight, Exercise & Testosterone

According to findings from a new study presented at the Integrative Biology of Exercise 7 meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, overweight to obese men using a combination of healthy eating and exercise significantly increased their level of testosterone. 

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