6 stress-busting exercises taming tension

6 stress-busting exercises taming tension

Feeling tensed or stressed from the pressures of life?  Join the club.  Every single day, each of us will experience some sort of stress. Some days can be worse than others but overall, stress is a natural part of living. What you don’t want is stress and tension taking you down the wrong path.  If you find yourself soothing stressful feelings by eating a bag of chips or skimping on sleep by staying up late into the wee hours of night, you’re sending you body the wrong message.  This message can lead to long-term health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, heart disease, back pain, upset stomach, anxiety and headaches.

Instead of letting stressful feelings win, why not work them out with exercise? Moving your body can be a powerful way to reduce stress.  Just going for a walk gets your heart rate pumping encouraging blood flow, better circulation, and deeper breathing.

Try out the following 6 exercises busting up stress and tension leading to a more calm and relaxed attitude towards life while promoting your health at the same time.

1.     Walking

Here’s a classic exercise that is one of the best and easiest forms of movement requiring no special equipment or classes. Walking is well-known for reducing the incidence of many health conditions from cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. Going on a walking jaunt can be a relaxing and pleasurable journey especially when done outdoors. Breathing deeply and enjoying the sounds of nature is perfect for relieving tension and for quieting the nervous system. Start off by aiming for two 10-minute walks a week. Gradually increase the frequency and duration of your walks over the next several weeks and months. Eventually, work up to taking five or six 30-60 minutes weekly walks to maintain stress management.

2.     Dancing

There’s a saying that goes, “When it doubt, dance it out.” No matter whether you’re a skilled dancer or just love to move, dancing has the unique quality of relieving stress because when the body feels good, the mind does too. Just the physical act of dancing releases neurotransmitters and endorphins helping alleviate stress. After a dance workout, its amazing how calm and optimistic your body and mind will feel. Of course, dancing is one of the best exercises for improving your physical health. Its benefits include improved condition of your heart and lungs, increased aerobic fitness, improved muscle tone and strength, better coordination, agility, flexibility and balance, increased physical confidence, and enhanced self-confidence and self-esteem. So what are you waiting for, play your favorite music and dance your stress away.

3.     Yoga

If you’re looking to fight stress and find serenity, then start practicing yoga. Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines physical poses, controlled breathing, and meditation or relaxation.  It can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and lower your heart rate, and best of all, almost anyone can do it. One of yoga’s biggest benefits is the mental focus it promotes and focus is key to stress management. Yoga poses require concentration which keeps your mind focused on what you’re doing instead of worrying or stressing over everyday worries.

4.     Tai chi

This slow, gentle form of movement is a favorite for anyone who prefers exercise that doesn’t leave you breathless yet still addresses the key components of fitness – muscle strength, flexibility, and balance. The extra bonus of tai chi is the promotion of relaxation helping relieve tension and anxiety.  In a 2008 UCLA study, older people with moderate sleep complaints who took up tai chi reported better sleep and daytime functioning (less drowsiness) after 25 weeks. Another more recent UCLA study found that tai chi showed significant improvements in sleep quality and the health of insomniac breast cancer survivors who practiced it.  There were further benefits from tai chi in the form of improvements in depression and fatigue.

5.     Gardening

From pulling weeds to hauling bags of dirt to raking leaves, gardening is actually a low-impact workout. Plus, tending a garden has stress and anxiety bonuses refreshing your mind and spirit. While you may not have space for growing multiple veggies or fruit, even just growing tomatoes or herbs on a sunny windowsill puts you in connection with nature having a calming and soothing effect.

6.     Kickboxing

Now here’s a tried and true tension reliever.  Kickboxing is a popular form of exercise combining boxing and other martial arts.  It includes punching, jabbing, and of course kicking your way to better balance, flexibility, coordination, and endurance. Even better, it’s perfect for reducing stress. No worries, no one will get hurt with this form of exercise but it will lead to a more fit and toned body. In addition, you’ll burn significant calories if losing some extra pounds is your goal.

David B. Samadi, MD, Urologic Oncology Expert and Robotic Surgeon located at 485 Madison Avenue on the 21st floor, New York, NY – 212-365-5000.  Follow Dr. Samadi at www.samadimd.comwww.prostatecancer911.com, and www.roboticoncology.com