7 possible reasons causing night sweats

7 possible reasons causing night sweats

Wearing too many bed clothes, sleeping under too many blankets, or sleeping in an overheated room is one thing, but to waking up night after night covered in extreme perspiration, could be a warning sign of an underlying medical condition or illness.

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Conquering adult picky eating

Conquering adult picky eating

Generally, most picky eaters will outgrow their finicky eating patterns but what about those who don’t?  Surprisingly, some adults who were former picky eaters as kids never really change that narrative. 

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The FACES of heart failure

The FACES of heart failure

Heart failure is a condition with many faces. It can affect all ethnic groups, all ages and it’s important to know that it is not just people near the end of their lifespan who develop it.  Unfortunately, heart failure can even affect people in the prime of their life. 

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