Beyond bananas - 8 exotic fruits to go crazy over

Beyond bananas - 8 exotic fruits to go crazy over

They say variety is the spice of life and when it comes to fruit, there’s more than just apples, oranges and bananas.  Dragon fruit, Cactus Fig and Physalis are just a few examples of exotic fruit that can bring more gusto and nutritional value into your everyday choices.  By “eating outside the box” we can experience more of what this food group has to offer.

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Food Fallacies – separating fact from fiction on Organic Food

Food Fallacies – separating fact from fiction on Organic Food

Organic food is here to stay and lucky for us it is.  Should we all go organic or can you still eat a healthy diet from conventionally grown food?  What it boils down to is your own personal decision.  What are you looking for – reduced pesticide residue, less antibiotics, and hormones in food, environmental issues – or are there other areas of concern.

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The McDonald's Diet

The McDonald's Diet

You may have read or heard about the high school science teacher, John Cisna, from Iowa who had three of his students do a semester project featuring him eating nothing but food from McDonalds for 90 days.  The purpose of this experiment was to see if he could lose weight and how it would affect his health. In September 2013, John Cisna, who was obese weighing 280 pounds, wanted to see if it was possible to eat only fast food, yet by controlling his calorie level and balancing nutrients, could he actually lose weight in the process.  What he found out was a resounding “yes.” 

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Should You Take A Vitamin D Supplement?

Should You Take A Vitamin D Supplement?

A vitamin D deficiency occurs when the level of vitamin D in your body is too low. Vitamin D helps the body use calcium from our diet which is essential for us as humans to maintain bone strength. If you feel you might be experiencing symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency, it is important to get tested and treated because it can eventually cause your bones to become thin, brittle or misshapen. The only way to confirm that you are suffering from a vitamin D deficiency is to get a blood test to test your vitamin D levels. In the meantime, if you are experiencing any of the following signs or symptoms, you should get tested sooner rather than later.

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Why water is our most essential nutrient

Why water is our most essential nutrient

What would we do without water – nothing!  Out of the six classes of nutrients (water, carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals) water is undoubtedly the most important nutrient of all.  Our bodies cannot store water or make it on its own and each day it must be replaced as we constantly lose water through our urine, feces, sweat, skin and lungs.  Most of us could go for weeks without eating food but would last only a few days without water. 

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The good, the bad and everything else you want to know about 6 popular diets

The good, the bad and everything else you want to know about 6 popular diets

When we say the word “diet” what exactly do we mean?  Most of us associate the word with “trying to lose weight.”  But the actual definition of the word diet means “the food and beverages a person usually eats and drinks.”  So if we all agree that we eat and drink something every day, then aren’t we all on a “diet?” My point is that all of us are on a diet or a way of eating and it’s best to strive to make your diet meet your own individual nutrient needs keeping you as healthy as possible.

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