Health perks of public parks

Health perks of public parks

The great outdoors has always been our playground and what a better way for getting physically fit than to enjoy natural scenic beauty and park activities they have to offer.  It is being realized more and more the role public parks play in improving our health in several ways – to promoting physical activity to improving mental health and even the potential of reducing health care costs.

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Why physical fitness is not all about weight loss

Why physical fitness is not all about weight loss

Americans are stuck. Whether we’re stuck in a physical cubicle or a mental rut, we’ve lost our enthusiasm for bodily movement.  Despite the joy we felt as children, our days filled with imaginary play, tree climbing and jump rope are long gone.  Most of us can think back to high school and college days where we chose to participate in a sports or intramural team.  We probably did these activities because we enjoyed the camaraderie, had fun, and maybe we were even good at them.  These reasons were reinforced through the bonds we formed with our teammates, and improvements made in our physical fitness.  Even during our biggest moments of doubt, we had the support and encouragement of our parents, coaches and friends to keep us motivated. 

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