Top 8 heart health myths busted

Top 8 heart health myths busted

There are however, many misconceptions about heart disease and how it affects our health.  Here are eight commonly held beliefs that it’s time to clear up the confusion over them:

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Diverticulitis Best foods to eat preventing diverticulitis

Diverticulitis Best foods to eat preventing diverticulitis

It is estimated that diverticulitis affects 5 to 10 percent of the U.S. population by age 50.  Risk factors associated with diverticulitis include age, history of constipation, obesity, lack of exercise, and a lack of fiber.

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Do your heels hurt? It might be plantar fasciitis

Do your heels hurt? It might be plantar fasciitis

Our feet tend to be one of the most used and abused parts of our body. But after all the abuse our feet take, sometimes they have had enough and one way they let you know is with pain in your heel.

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Early diagnosis key to surviving lung cancer 

Early diagnosis key to surviving lung cancer 

By being aware of and knowing possible signs of lung cancer may help save your life if detected early.  If lung cancer is caught before it spreads, the likelihood of surviving 5 years or more improves to 55 percent. 

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