Change your self-talk, change your health

Change your self-talk, change your health

Study after study show how you think and what you verbally say to yourself can have a strong influence on your health.  If you have positive thoughts and feelings on making positive lifestyle choices, chances are higher you will stick to your treatment plan resulting in improved heath parameters. 

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Factors that could be hurting your liver

Factors that could be hurting your liver

Every day, your liver wears many hats – it processes what you eat and drink into energy, makes cholesterol, stores various vitamins and minerals, removes bilirubin from the blood along with other harmful substances, makes bile to help digest fat, and regulates the composition of blood. 

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5 reasons for loving lunges

5 reasons for loving lunges

Admit it – you either love doing lunges or hate it.  There is usually not many in between.  But, you have to admit, lunges do it all.  From making your legs strong and powerful to sculpting a nice butt, lunges are an exercise you need to learn to love.  

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What to do with a torn meniscus

What to do with a torn meniscus

The largest joint in the body, our knees, are also a frequently used joint allowing us to walk, run, bend, and even sit. Because they are such an integral part of movement, they are also prone to injury. 

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What to know about Raynaud’s Disease

What to know about Raynaud’s Disease

Secondary Raynaud’s is brought on by an underlying disease or condition and is often called Raynaud’s phenomenon. Diseases that may lead to secondary Raynaud’s include scleroderma, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. Other causes of secondary Raynaud’s include the following:

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Study shows 20-year drop in U.S. cancer deaths

Study shows 20-year drop in U.S. cancer deaths

Significant strides are being made on the war against cancer in the United States.  This is good news thanks largely to a vast reduction in smoking which has driven this 20-year decrease in mortality from cancer.

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