8 mistaken beliefs about breast cancer

8 mistaken beliefs about breast cancer

When we hear of a woman who has been diagnosed with cancer, most of us tend to assume it is breast cancer.  Part of this is the fact breast cancer gets a lot of media exposure compared to other forms of cancer.  But for women in the United States, with the exception of skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women and according to BreastCancer.org, for 2017 it is estimated that about 30% of cancers diagnosed in women will be breast cancer.

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12 steps to relieve IBS symptoms naturally

12 steps to relieve IBS symptoms naturally

IBS is a disorder affecting between 25 to 45 million people in the US who know all too well the disabling symptoms it can cause disrupting their lives. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an intestinal disorder causing pain in the belly, gas, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, and constipation.  Up to 1 in 5 Americans have chronic IBS with symptoms lasting for years or a lifetime.

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How to treat and prevent recurring vaginal yeast infections

How to treat and prevent recurring vaginal yeast infections

A vaginal yeast infection experienced one time can be bad enough but recurrent yeast infections can drive a woman crazy.  The itching and burning accompanying a yeast infection has women who are desperate for relief.  Many women blame yeast infections on certain foods they are eating.  Going gluten-free or avoiding chocolate are common food foes often believed by some women to be the cause of their misery.  Other women may blame it on sex avoiding sexual contact with their partner. 

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How Men Can Beat Osteoporosis

How Men Can Beat Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a major public health threat affecting almost 44 million American men and women aged 50 and older. Most of those people are women; mainly because the “brittle bone disease” affects the elderly and women live longer, and men are more likely to have exercised, which builds up bone mass. The most common cause of osteoporosis in men is low testosterone.

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The Biomechanics of Pitcher's Elbow

The Biomechanics of Pitcher's Elbow

Despite everything we know about and are developing in the area of sports medicine – not to mention the enormous financial investment that the Major League Baseball teams have in their pitchers – the elbow injuries for the horsehair hurlers continue to be on the rise. What is known about the actual variables that cause “pitcher's elbow?”

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Understanding bladder stones

Understanding bladder stones

Let’s face it – all of us have heard of kidney stones or maybe have even experienced them.  But bladder stones?  Yes, stones can form in the bladder. They are much more common in men past the age of 50 but are much less common than kidney stones.  If they are small enough they may cause no symptoms passing on out the body on their own without a person even knowing they had any. But, unfortunately, more often than not, they will make their appearance known causing pain or other problems on urination.

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