5 steps to better blood pressure numbers

5 steps to better blood pressure numbers

Making lifestyle changes can be challenging but necessary.  It does not require a major overhaul of your life in order to make a significant impact on reaching healthier blood pressure numbers.  Here are 5 steps for actions you can take getting your blood pressure back in a normal range:

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What to do with a torn meniscus

What to do with a torn meniscus

The largest joint in the body, our knees, are also a frequently used joint allowing us to walk, run, bend, and even sit. Because they are such an integral part of movement, they are also prone to injury. 

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Study shows 20-year drop in U.S. cancer deaths

Study shows 20-year drop in U.S. cancer deaths

Significant strides are being made on the war against cancer in the United States.  This is good news thanks largely to a vast reduction in smoking which has driven this 20-year decrease in mortality from cancer.

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