8 Red flags it’s time to see a dentist 

8 Red flags it’s time to see a dentist 

You’ve been having issues with your teeth.  Maybe tooth pain, a chipped tooth, or bleeding gums.  But, like many of us, you put off the obvious – a trip to the dentist.  In fact, a Gallup poll conducted in 2013 interviewed 178,072 American adults and found that up to one-third of us did not bother going to the dentist at all within the past year. 

Part of this trend has to do with income and ability to afford dental care.  But many people may not be aware that oral health care has an impact on the rest of your body.  Our mouth can be teeming with bacteria and when combined with poor oral care, some of those germs can make their way into your bloodstream.  This scenario can lead to infection and diseases linked to bad dental hygiene such as heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and stroke. 

However, there are 8 signs of when a trip to the dentist is warranted and the sooner the better.  To treat and fix a dental problem early is far better than waiting until the situation has gotten much worse.

1.  Pain or swelling

At the first sign of any pain or swelling within the mouth, pay attention and make an appointment with your dentist.  This symptom could mean a number of different things but until you get it checked out, it could only get worse. 

2.  Your gums are acting different

Take a look at your gums. Do they look puffy, swollen, red or inflamed?  Have you noticed when you brush or floss, they are bleeding?  These could possibly be signs of gum disease.  The earlier gum disease is diagnosed and treated, the greater likelihood you can achieve healthy gums once again.  If you put off seeing a dentist for gum issues, then you are looking at a greater likelihood of tooth loss and pain.

3.  You’re ashamed to show your teeth

Maybe you have a missing tooth or stained teeth for various reasons.  You shouldn’t have to go through life self-conscious about your smile.  Make an appointment with a dentist to evaluate how to improve your teeth so you can show the world how beautiful they are.

4.  If you have chronic health issues

A dentist should be part of anyone’s overall health team but especially so if you have an ongoing chronic medical condition.  From heart disease, diabetes, an eating disorder, or if you are undergoing radiation or chemotherapy, seeing your dentist regularly is important to make sure you mouth, teeth, and gums are remaining healthy.

5.  You are having issues with eating

It is not normal to have difficulty chewing or swallowing.  Your dentist can take a look to see what’s causing the problem and find a solution for it so you can enjoy eating once again.

6.  You use tobacco

Whether its cigarette smoking or chewing tobacco, these are some of the most harmful habits damaging dental health a person can have.  If you are someone who uses these products, it is best to find ways of quitting using tobacco.  In the meantime, do not put off seeing a dentist regularly to save your teeth. 

7.  You’re having jaw pain

Jaw popping, painful when opening, closing, or chewing is not normal. This could be due for several reasons but have it evaluated by your dentist before it gets worse.

8.  You’ve noticed spots or sores in your mouth

Taking a look inside your mouth can tell you a lot.  And if you notice any sores or anything unusual, this warrants a trip to the dentist.  Types of mouth sores can include canker sores, cold sores, leukoplakia and candidiasis, each varying in their severity and causes.  Sometimes these sores can be symptoms of a disease, infection from bacteria, viruses or fungus.  Or anyone wearing braces or dentures can have sores that develop from irritation of a poor fit. 

Remember, dentists are also usually our first line of defense in checking for any oral or mouth cancers that could be developing.  Keeping regularly scheduled appointments, in which your dentist does a visual inspection for such cancers, can literally save your teeth and your life.