New Blood Test May Determine Prostate Cancer Most Likely to Spread

Scientists have recently discovered in a new study from Queen Mary University of London that the blood levels circulating tumor cells may help identify patients diagnosis of aggressive metastatic prostate cancer, which would impact how much sooner they receive treatment.

Published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research, this study addresses an unmet medical need which is an accurate way of predicting aggressive prostate cancer early.

This also identifies more knowledge when it comes to preventing cancers spreading to new areas of the body which is the main reason why people die from prostate cancer. This study shows a significant new way of helping to monitor the spread in men with the disease. Results were able to predict which patients were likely to result better than others, based on the number of rare type of immune cell found in the blood. Doctors would be able to make better-informed treatment decisions by adding this additional layer of information and ultimately prove survival.

The study examined blood samples collected from 81 prostate cancer patients and analyzed using a new cell capture technology called Parsortix developed by Angle. This system has the ability to capture many different types of cancer cells in the bloodstream even after leaving the tumor.

Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) were investigated in this study and have been reported to be involved in poor patient survival which correlates to the beginning of metastasis formation.

Ultimately the results from this study open up many additional opportunities to benefit cancer patients and already more tests are underway using additional prostate cancer patient’s cells. Researchers are also further looking to see if this can be tested on patients with other types of cancer.


Tall Men May Be More At Risk for Aggressive Prostate Cancer

In a new study published online in the journal BMC Medicine, researchers found that the larger a man is in height, the more increased risk of aggressive prostate cancer

The study specifically found that with every additional 4 inches of height with a 21% increase in being diagnosed with high-grade prostate cancer and 17% increased risk of dying from aggressive prostate cancer.

There hasn’t been much research on this particular correlation in relation to prostate cancer, so it’s important we pay attention to additional and follow-up studies in relation to the topic. But this is a call-to-action to men who are genetically taller to take additional precautions even at an earlier age by be proactive with their doctor.

Men, ask your doctor to take your PSA, and take it often. The key to understand your levels of prostate-specific antigen (which is what the PSA blood test measures) is evaluating it over a period of time - the trend matters!

In this recent study, doctors and researchers from the University of Oxford based their results off of over 140,000 men in 8 different countries across Europe. The study evaluated the correlation between cancer and nutrition.

7,024 men developed prostate cancer during an average of 14 years of follow-up including 726 diagnosed with high-grade cancer and 1,388 with advanced-stage cancer. Of these, 934 died from their cancer.

The study also noted that height and weight had an impact on a man’s risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer. With the addition of each 4 inches on a man’s waist was associated with a 13% increased risk to develop high-grade prostate cancer and death.