A Vaccine for Cancer

HPV is also known to cause cancers in the back of the throat, in an area known as the oropharynx. HPV is linked with about 70 percent of these types of cancers in the U.S. and the rates of these cancers are rising dramatically, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Effective Solutions for Rosacea

Effective Solutions for Rosacea

Rosacea affects about 16 million people in the United States. This skin disorder is caused by chronic inflammation, usually characterized by persistent redness on the cheeks and nose. In some cases, small pimples and eye irritation occur. This disease is often a frustrating and challenging condition to manage. 

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What It Means To Have A Prolapsed Bladder

What It Means To Have A Prolapsed Bladder

Under normal conditions, a woman’s bladder is held in place by a net of pelvic floor muscles and connective tissues.  When these muscles and tissues stretch and weaken, it allows the bladder to “drop” or prolapse through this net or wall.  A prolapsed bladder is one in which the bladder decends into the vagina following the deterioration of the vaginal wall. A proposed bladder is also known an as a cystocele or a fallen bladder. The bladder itself is the hollow organ in the pelvis that serves as a storage unit for our urine.  This urine is filtered from the body through the kidneys and makes its way down to the bladder. 

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How Cold Sores are Treated

How Cold Sores are Treated

Also called, fever blisters or oral herpes, cold sores are quite common, affecting 600,000 new people  each year in the U.S. Cold sores cause red, painful blisters on the mouth, lips and each sore is filled with fluid. They also are known to cause fever and swollen glands with the first outbreak, especially. 

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