How To Understand Your Gut Better

How To Understand Your Gut Better

Paying attention to your gut health is one of the most important (and often overlooked) things you can do for your health. Currently, a lot of research has been done around the micro-biome and apparently a happy microbiome is the secret to good health. 

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Get More Energy Today: 5 Ways

Get More Energy Today: 5 Ways

Energy is defined as: en·er·gy (noun):  the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. We rely on energy to get through the day, the week, the year.  We know that losing out on sleep can leave you drained, but sleep deprivation is only one of a long list of possible reasons behind feeling exhausted.

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Lack of Sleep: Increased Chance of Heart Attack?

Lack of Sleep: Increased Chance of Heart Attack?

In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 34 seconds, impacting women in a major way, with 43 million diagnosed with heart disease. There are many risk factors for a heart attack and a new study is revealing that sleep disorders or lack of sleep for a long period of time may be a proponent. Here's what you need to know. 

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What Household Mold Does to Your Health

What Household Mold Does to Your Health

Mold lives both indoors and outdoors. It thrives in damp, warm and humid environments such as shower stalls and basements. However, mold can grow anywhere in the house. Many people wonder if they should be concerned when it comes to mold throughout their home and the truth is, it's important to monitor and clean this mold as best you can, as often as you can. 

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Researchers may have found cure for chronic pain

Researchers may have found cure for chronic pain

Researchers from Columbia University Medical Center may have found a way to reverse chronic pain. Did you know that in the United States, there are about 100 million people who suffer from chronic pain? Chronic pain is a condition that can be very debilitating. It often leads to many years of consistent pain that does not go away.

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June 15: Elder Abuse Awareness Day

June 15: Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Every year, more than two million cases of elder abuse occur. National franchisor My Elder Advocate works to prevent abuse by advocating for elders’ rights. In honor of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day June 15, the company’s founder, Jack Halpern, a leading elder abuse advocate and champion of elder care rights, is sharing common signs of potential elder abuse.

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3 Chronic diseases magnesium can minimize

3 Chronic diseases magnesium can minimize

Magnesium may not be as well-known or talked about like vitamin D or calcium, but this is one mineral that deserves a second look in regards to decreasing risk of chronic diseases.  It’s the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and decades of research have shown magnesium to play an active role in over 300 biochemical reactions.

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Health officials tell US doctors to watch for MERS

Health officials tell US doctors to watch for MERS

CDC is advising doctors to be on the lookout for patients presenting with MERS. This is after an outbreak of MERS in South Korea. Doctors should be asking patients with severe respiratory illness if they have recently traveled. Testing for MERS should be carried out for sick patients who have visited a South Korea hospital within the last two weeks of becoming sick.

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6 Ways to a Flatter Stomach

6 Ways to a Flatter Stomach

Belly fat or visceral fat is a huge proponent of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes and can even bring on stroke. Here are 5 ways to a flatter stomach. For many people, the waist is often the first place excess fat goes. Here are 6 ideas to try for saying goodbye to that belly fat.

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Quit Smoking: Tips for the First Week

Quit Smoking: Tips for the First Week

You've done it. You've decided to finally quit smoking. Congratulations. Did you know just by quitting smoking, you reduce your risk for chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke and lung cancer in a big way?

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