Protect Yourself Against Skin Cancer All Year Around

Protect Yourself Against Skin Cancer All Year Around

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the U.S. In fact, it is probably more common than you think. It is estimated that 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer at some point in their life.

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Is Drinking Okay After Over-The-Counter Pills Are Taken?

Is Drinking Okay After Over-The-Counter Pills Are Taken?

Everyone worries about this exact question. Over-the-counter pills while easily accessible do have side effects just as prescriptions drugs. Mixing alcohol when taking Tylenol or Ibuprofen isn't something we should do very often. Think of the time you popped a Tylenol to beat a midday headache and then got invited to drinks or it's allergy season and you're taking Claritin to beat those initial symptoms. Having one or two drinks really won't hurt you but it's important to know the specific side effects of each pill. Here's what you need to know. 

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5 Things Your Saliva Says About You

5 Things Your Saliva Says About You

On any given day, your body produces about 50 ounces of saliva. But I bet you aren't thinking about your spit when it comes to general health. Believe it or not, it pays a major role in your health and disease risk. Saliva is a natural mouth disinfectant. It consistently works to help maintain the health of your gums, prevent tooth decay and even wash away food particles. It also provides disease-fighting substances to prevent cavities and other infections. When saliva keeps your mouth clean is when the condition of your spit is healthy. This key bodily fluid can provide clues to other things going on in your body. Pay attention to these signs. 

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How Can I Have Better Time Management?

How Can I Have Better Time Management?

Time and stress are interconnected in many ways. Perhaps the most shocking fact about stress is that it can affect all parts of your body, not just in one area. Our body responds to stress by altering the secretions of certain hormones and chemicals.  Time management and productivity play a huge role especially in today's workplace in how we keep stress at bay and still feel like we've accomplished something.

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Fight Inflammation, Decrease Chronic Disease Risk

Fight Inflammation, Decrease Chronic Disease Risk

Everything is arguably related to inflammation. It can cause cancer, skin conditions, allergies, muscle pain, joint pain, headaches and painful menstruation. So what exactly is inflammation? It's a combination of heat, pain, redness and swelling that happens externally or inside the body. Childhood obesity, diabetes, rate of cancer is on the rise. Without taking care of diabetes, billions and dollars goes into it, and without fixing our diet lifestyle, behavioral changes, nothing will improve. 

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New Herb Formula May Relieve Anxiety

New Herb Formula May Relieve Anxiety

Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time – it is a normal human emotion, after all.  We feel nervous or anxious at work, before a big exam or when making crucial decisions in our life. For some, however, anxiety goes beyond being just a passing feeling. Instead, it causes such great distress that affects their ability to live a normal life.  This is when anxiety becomes a disorder. Anxiety disorders affect about 18 percent of the American population, making them the most common mental illnesses in the country.  That means that at any given time, about 40 million are suffering from some sort of anxiety disorder.   

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Health Benefits of Fish Oils

Health Benefits of Fish Oils

Ahh, fish oils, the never ending debate on how much and how to consume them. Here's the skinny: fish oils come from fatty fish. Yes, specifically the tissue of fatty fish such as trout, mackerel, tuna, herring, sardines and salmons. Nutritionists often favor fish oils because of two main ingredients: DHA and EPA, which are two types of Omeda-3 fatty acids. The fillets alone of oily fish contain 30% oil. White fish only contains high concentrations of oil in the liver and have much less oil. Oily fish are also good sources of vitamins A and D. 

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Side effects of Pepto-Bismol

Side effects of Pepto-Bismol

You’ve probably never heard of bismuth subsalicylate, but you have probably used it or bought it more than once in your life time.   This intimidating compound is what we know as the pink stuff, Pepto-Bismol.  Pepto-Bismol is very common over-the-counter medication, which comes in tablet or liquid form, used to cope with heartburn, nausea, indigestion and any other upset stomach problems. This medication is an antidiarrheal medication that decreases intestinal inflammation, fluid movement and electrolyte movement in the bowels and digestive system. It used to combat diarrhea, but the mechanism of how exactly it does do, is still a bit unclear. 

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Acupuncture Treats Modern Ailments

Acupuncture Treats Modern Ailments

Interested in acupuncture but still doubtful about it’s healing powers and squeamish about undergoing the process? Many people swear by this method to defeat stress and achieve a relaxed and focused state of mind. A new survey demonstrates increasing acceptance and utilization of acupuncture for treatment and health promotion. The analysis was published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine and looked at utilization rates, demographics and reasons for using acupuncture. Overall, the researchers found that between 2002 and 2007 there was a significant increase in the number of patients using acupuncture.

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Why Hangovers Worsen As We Age

Why Hangovers Worsen As We Age

When we're in our twenties, hangovers tend to not be as big of a deal. Two martinis, glass of champagne and a beer to wash it down, sure we can handle that and not be out of commission the next day. Move into your thirties and maybe we start to skip the martinis but then we hit our forties and alcohol might be gone from your life because of its after effects. If this is the case, what can you do to beat that feeling? The good news is the side effects the next day are the result of an accumulation of toxins that occur when we get older, making it more challenging to process and eliminate alcohol. The result-the more toxic we are, the more intense the hangover. 

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15 Cool Facts About the Human Body

15 Cool Facts About the Human Body

The human body is an amazing machine, so to speak. The way in which all of these functions work simultaneously as well as the level of cognitive function humans have is unlike any other known species. There are things our body does we are unaware of but matter a great deal. Here are 15 cool facts about what's happening inside.

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Do dietary supplements give athletes the winning edge?

Do dietary supplements give athletes the winning edge?

Dietary supplements have always played a predominate role in the world of sports.  Whether a person is a competitive athlete or a casual exerciser, today’s athlete is always looking for the latest and greatest nutritional supplement that will give them the ultimate performance-enhancing edge.   Competition in sports has always been high but nowadays it is more fierce and demanding than ever and this can be one way athletes seek out to improve their skills. 

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Vitamin K2 – a little known nutrient with big benefits

Vitamin K2 – a little known nutrient with big benefits

Vitamin K, a fat soluble vitamin discovered in the 1930’s, is best known for its role in blood coagulation or blood clotting.  This form is also known as vitamin K1 or phylloquinone.  However there is another form of vitamin K that hasn’t received as much attention until the 21st century – vitamin K2.  Vitamin K2, also known as menaquinone, is made by our intestinal bacteria and also is found in certain food sources.  Deficiencies of vitamin K1 are rare but deficiencies of vitamin K2 are more common.  It is the vitamin K2 form that seems to have far-reaching roles that appear to make a meaningful difference in the health of our hearts, bones and of prostate cancer. 

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5 Tips to Beat Bad Breath

5 Tips to Beat Bad Breath

Bad breath is something we all deal with. But how can we really work to get rid of it? The ugly truth is even if you brush your teeth 6 times per day and floss every night, you're still not safe from the occasional case of halitosis. What happens is bacteria accumulates under the gumline and causes a terrible smell. Here are 5 tips to help finally beat that bad breath.

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Bad Mood? 5 Tips to Beat It

Bad Mood? 5 Tips to Beat It

We all get in bad moods. The key is knowing how to beat it. A long-term bad mood can have significant repercussions especially on our energy levels. Although it's not always easy to snap out of it. Here's how to beat it and minimize the impact of the inevitable bad mood. 

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