Treating BPH with minimally invasive Button TURP

Treating BPH with minimally invasive Button TURP

For men experiencing moderate to severe symptoms of BPH, an effective option to treat this condition is to use a minimally invasive procedure called Button TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate). 

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Understanding anorgasmia in men

Understanding anorgasmia in men

It would not be unusual if the word “anorgasmia” is unfamiliar to you.  Doctors rarely ask about the problem and most men will choose instead to suffer in silence as they themselves are reluctant or embarrassed to bring it up to their doctor. 

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8 warning signs of an alcohol problem in men

8 warning signs of an alcohol problem in men

The detriments to a man’s health are real and are associated when a man has a chronic or binge drinking problem. Women, of course, are also at risk from overconsumption of alcohol but men have a greater tendency of developing alcohol-related problems. 

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Treat BPH to reduce nighttime bathroom trips

Treat BPH to reduce nighttime bathroom trips

As men get older, many changes can occur one of which is their risk for developing an enlarged prostate gland. This condition is known as BPH which affects about half of men between the ages of 51 and 60 and up to 90 percent of men over the age of 80. 

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