Perfect Father’s Day gifts giving him the gift of health

Perfect Father’s Day gifts giving him the gift of health

Worldwide, many countries set aside the third Sunday in June to celebrate the first man in your life – your dad.  Father’s Day is meant to recognize the contribution that fathers and father figures make to the lives of their children. 

This year, instead of searching for a new tie or box of candy, think outside the box.  We want dad around as long as possible and one way to show him how is to give him a gift of health.  Men often need encouragement and a nudge in the right direction of helping him live a longer and healthier life. 

Dad’s work hard in all they do and they warrant a gift that keeps on giving year round. This is why thinking in terms of his health is a perfect way to gift him with something that can make him feel better, either physically or mentally.  Here are some ideas that can motivate and inspire your dad to lead a little healthier lifestyle so he’ll be around for many more Father’s Days in the future:

·      For the stressed out dad

When dad comes home from a taxing day at work, he will need some form of de-stressing. Give dad the gift of relaxation. Why not a hammock?  Set it up in the backyard and he will have hours of taking a siesta after a stressful day at work.   Or a gift certificate for a massage to help relax his tensed-up shoulders and back. 

·      For the dad wanting to improve his athleticism 

Fitness gifts are always appreciated by men and especially the dad who loves athletics.  If he is into playing tennis, gift him with a new racket.  If he’s into a specific sport, set up a basketball hoop in the driveway.  A new pair of gym shoes and workout clothes will make him feel special.  For the dad wanting to build up his muscles, consider a workout bench, dumbbells, a punching bag for improving cardio and strength or even a gift certificate for a few sessions with a personal trainer.  Don’t forget to throw in sunscreen for the dad who spends a lot of time outdoors honing his athletic skills. 

·      For dad’s celebrating their first Father’s Day

It’s always exciting celebrating Father’s Day for the first time as a new dad.  And most likely what a new dad is craving most is rest and relaxation.  Ease stress’s toll on his body by considering an ergonomically designed baby carrier for minimizing the effects of a growing baby’s weight on his back.  Consider a yoga mat.  Maybe he’s not into stretching but at least it would get him down on the floor alongside baby where they both could stretch their muscles.  Or enlist the grandparents to babysit for an evening or overnight so you either can enjoy a date night or get in some extra zzz’z by sleeping in late once.

·      For the dad who loves to cook

When a guy likes to cook, they are almost always a great chef.  Most men love to grill.  There are many gifts that go along with grilling such as cooking utensils, cookbooks on healthy grilling, a nice set of skewers for shrimp or vegetable kebobs, or if your budget allows, a brand new grill.  Or how about taking dad out for a heart-healthy meal at a restaurant specializing in locally grown foods or has a vegan menu.

·      For the dad watching his weight

First, congratulate him on wanting to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.  Then look into a weight scale that measures not only his weight but also percent body fat and body mass index.  Also a pedometer to encourage him to get in extra steps each day is a must or a membership to a gym or lessons with a personal trainer would be much appreciated.  A nice jump rope would be ideal for burning extra calories while making his bones strong.  Maybe he needs a new set of dumbbells to get him lifting weights to maintain his muscle mass.

·      Other healthy gift ideas to consider:

·      Sunglasses with both UVA and UVB protection for his eyes.

·      For dads who travel a lot, consider a sound machine that is a combination travel alarm and has noise effects such as helping him to fall asleep to the sound of wind chimes or a waterfall.

·      Take dad on a nature hike, go kayaking together, fishing or anything else that helps him relax and have fun.

·      Most importantly, let dad know how much he is appreciated and loved by telling him so and by spending time with him.  When a dad realizes the positive impact he has had on your life, this goes a long way in improving his self-confidence and self-worth as a father making it all the more worthwhile of raising you.