8 warning signs of an alcohol problem in men

8 warning signs of an alcohol problem in men

Enjoying an adult beverage now and then is generally not a problem.  Many of us can consume these beverages on occasion with little to no issues. But excessive alcohol consumption in men significantly places them at a higher risk to their mental and physical health.

The detriments to a man’s health are real and are associated when a man has a chronic or binge drinking problem. Women, of course, are also at risk from overconsumption of alcohol but men have a greater tendency of developing alcohol-related problems.  For example, men who binge drink (for men this means having at least five drinks in a two-hour time span), have a habit of doing this much more frequently than women.

It is also well known that alcohol can impair a person’s judgement and decision-making abilities, which explains why men have a higher rate of alcohol-related deaths and hospitalizations than women.  Men have more than twice the chance of being involved in a motor vehicle crash being related to alcohol. 

Anyone suspecting a man they care about has a drinking problem, should inquire about getting them help to overcome this addiction.  But, it is important to recognize signs of men who are becoming increasingly dependent on using alcohol to get through the day, to be in social situations, or is affecting them and their relationships with others.

Here are 8 signs that could be indicating a man has a drinking problem:

1.  Lying or trying to hide their drinking habits – Finding beer bottles under the car seat or stuffed deep down in a garbage can, could be clues a man is aware he has a problem they don’t want anyone else to see.  People with a normal relationship with alcohol have no reason to hide it. 

2.  Extreme mood swings based on drinking patterns – If a man is perfectly normal when he is sober but becomes rapidly very different in personality when he drinks, often indicates trouble with alcohol.  While under the influence if he becomes angry, irritable, withdrawn or violent, these actions can be clear signs of a major problem.  Alcohol is a depressant having a significant effect on how a man’s personality when he drinks.

3.  Health problems are developing due to his drinking – Alcohol is a toxin that requires the liver to process it – when the liver is constantly being required to handle large amounts of alcohol, significant damage can occur such as cirrhosis of the liver.  However chronic abuse or binge drinking can also have harmful effects on the heart causing it to become weak leading to arrhythmias; on the pancreas leading to pancreatitis; weakens the immune system making the body more susceptible to infections; and can increase the risk for cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and liver.

4. Problems at work – Showing up late, poor performance, or making bad decisions when at work are ways alcohol can affect men when on the job.  This can lead to suspension, demotions, or firing if his alcohol problem continues to affect his work performance.

5.  Driving while under the influence – Anyone who makes the poor decision to get behind the wheel of a vehicle while under the influence is a very serious issue. The first time this happens is a major wake-up call needing to be addressed with a professional. 

6.  Inability to manage tasks at home – Paying bills on time, caring for children, getting along with neighbors, and basic care and maintenance of a home are very hard to accomplish when drinking heavily. When inebriated, it makes it difficult to pay attention to day-to-day details. Major mistakes can be made or missed as a result an alcohol problem leading to financial problems, poor relationships with family members and friends and negligence of minors.

7.  Isolating themselves from family and friends – As alcohol takes over, men may withdraw from interacting with those closest to him.  They would prefer to be around other fellow drinkers who do not nag them about their drinking or place guilt, embarrassment, or having to deal with others.

8.  They make promises to cut back on alcohol but never do – If confronted with concern about their drinking habits, they will vehemently deny they have a problem or will make promises to quit immediately.  They may actually even manage to go a day or a week without drinking but invariably, they cannot maintain sobriety for long.

For more information on alcohol abuse and finding ways to help a loved one with this problem, visit Alcoholics Anonymous