Men, discontinue ED drugs before surgery

Men, discontinue ED drugs before surgery

The reason it is important for a man to be honest in his use of these drugs is that erectile dysfunction medications contain nitric oxide, which opens blood vessels and relaxes muscles.  When they are combined with anesthesia and other medications used during surgery, there is the risk of a man’s blood pressure becoming dangerously low. 

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When a man’s sex drive suffers

When a man’s sex drive suffers

Loss of libido in men puts more strain on a marriage than just about any other sexual dysfunction. Around 31 percent of men and up to 43 percent of women will experience some sort of sexual problem with low sex drive being one of the trickier ones to solve. 

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Do herbs help or harm erectile dysfunction?

Do herbs help or harm erectile dysfunction?

Here are herbal supplements that have been used to treat ED – some have been used for centuries.  As with any herbal supplement, a man should always consult with his doctor before taking these as some do have negative interactions with other medications.

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5 facts men should know about PSA

5 facts men should know about PSA

Since prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men after skin cancer, men would be wise to know certain facts about prostate specific antigen or the PSA test. PSA is a protein produced by the prostate gland and is found in the blood.  The blood sample taken is used to monitor the level of PSA being produced by the prostate. 

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9 reasons why sex improve men’s health

9 reasons why sex improve men’s health

Any man will tell you sex is important to them and primarily because of the overwhelmingly pleasurable feeling at the end.  But, what a man may not realize is how every time he engages in hanky-panky, the incredible favor it is doing for his health. 

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6 ways to achieve superior sperm health

6 ways to achieve superior sperm health

When a healthy adult male has sex, he can release between 40 million to 1.2 billion sperm cells in a single ejaculation. That is a lot of sperm to have to keep healthy in order to be successful in regards to reproduction.  But if a man experiences reproductive issues then it may cause him to pause and consider the fact that maybe his sperm is not quite up to par. 

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Testosterone and Your Impulses

Testosterone and Your Impulses

It's a time-worn trope of TV and film: the macho, impulsive Man of Action who shoots first, asks questions later and lets the chips fall where they may. It turns out that there may be some science to go along with all that shooting-from-the-hip in the movies.

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Is saw palmetto nature’s cure for an enlarged prostate?

An enlarged prostate also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), has been treated in various ways with one of them being the use of the dietary supplement saw palmetto.  Saw palmetto is one of the most commonly used supplements by men with prostate cancer and BPH.  In 2011, over $18 million of saw palmetto was sold in the United States, ranking it third among herbal dietary supplements.

Saw palmetto is a palm-like plant that grows like a tree or shrub in warm climates and can reach heights of up to 10 feet with clusters of leaves spreading out to 2 feet or more.  Once a staple food of Native Americans living along coastal regions of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, saw palmetto has been used as early as the 1900s by men to treat urinary tract issues and to increase sperm production and sex drive.

Whether saw palmetto is truly an effective use for treating BPH or not is still up for debate.  More long-term studies are needed to say for sure if this alternative supplement is a viable option for BPH. 

All men with an enlarged prostate should thoroughly discuss with their doctor first before using saw palmetto to treat BPH.  It is generally thought of as safe when used under the guidance of a physician and may be a suitable alternative method of treatment for BPH.

Composition of saw palmetto

Saw palmetto has white flowers that produce yellow berries that turn brownish black when ripe and then are dried for medicinal use.

The active ingredients that make up the composition of saw palmetto are fatty acids, plant sterols, and flavonoids.  There is also a saw palmetto extract which is an extract of the berry that is rich in fatty acids and phytosterols. 

How does saw palmetto possibly help BPH?

Saw palmetto like many herbs, contains plant-chemicals that may be effective for BPH.  What is not known is how saw palmetto works to do this.  Research suggests that saw palmetto has an effect on the level of testosterone in the body and may possibly reduce the amount of an enzyme that promotes the growth of prostate cells. 

It also appears saw palmetto has anti-inflammatory properties having a positive influence on the prostate gland.  One study has showed that combining saw palmetto with the phytochemical lycopene and the mineral selenium produces an even greater anti-inflammatory effect.

Studies using animals have shown that saw palmetto inhibits the growth of tumor cells.  This may demonstrate its possible usefulness in treating prostate cancer.  Studies have also shown saw palmetto’s ability to improve urinary tract symptoms related to BPH but more research is necessary to definitively confirm this.

Here are some of the possible ways studies have shown on how saw palmetto may be effective for BPH:

·      May reduce urinary frequency particularly during the night

·      May reduce a man having trouble starting or maintaining urination

·      May reduce the loss of libido

·      May shrink the size of the prostate gland

The studies showing these results were short-term lasting no more than 3 months making it more difficult to say for certain if saw palmetto actually is effective for preventing BPH complications.

In what form does saw palmetto come in?

The supplement comes in a variety of forms and can be bought as dried berries, powdered capsules, tablets, liquid tinctures, and as an extract.  Make sure the product label states that the contents contain 85-95% fatty acids and sterols.  Purchase saw palmetto only from reputable companies.


 ·      Saw palmetto should not be given to children

·      It may take up to 8 weeks to see any effects

·      Saw palmetto is generally seen as safe but pay attention to any side effects it may produce – headache, nausea, diarrhea, and dizziness

·      A man should always seek his doctor’s advice first on appropriate treatment methods before self-treating with saw palmetto

·      Pregnant or nursing women should not use saw palmetto as it may have similar effects to some hormones

·      It may interfere with the absorption of iron

·      It may have interactions with certain medications – always inform your doctor if using saw palmetto.  Medications it may interfere with are Proscar, Warfarin, Plavix, Aspirin, oral contraceptives, and hormone replacement therapy.








All about penile cancer

All about penile cancer

It is likely few of us know of any man who has been diagnosed with penile cancer. Penile cancer is considered a rare cancer for men in the North America and Europe as less than 1 man in 100,000 each year is diagnosed accounting for less than 1% of cancers of men in the United States. For the year 2017, the American Cancer Society estimates 2,120 new cases of penile cancer will be diagnosed with about 360 deaths from it.  Early detection and understanding how to spot the symptoms of it is critical to overcoming this cancer.

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Varicoceles in boys and men

Varicoceles in boys and men

Varicoceles are veins that become enlarged inside the scrotum of men – comparable to developing a varicose vein in a leg.  The scrotum is a sac that holds the testicles and is part of the male reproductive system that makes, stores, and moves sperm.  The testicles make sperm and the hormone testosterone.  Sperm that are in the process of maturing will move through the epididymis, a coiled tube behind each testicle.

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