How to banish your man boobs

“Man boobs” The term alone says it all. This common problem of male protuberance can be a source of embarrassment for any man who has developed excess breast tissue.  Gynecomastia is the medical term for man boobs which refers to swollen breast tissue which is usually caused by issues of reduced testosterone and higher levels of estrogen.

Other causes of gynecomastia can include some of the following:

·      Aging since many men often develop boobs due to a result of hormone imbalance

·      Side effects from prescription drugs such as antidepressants, blood pressure, and amphetamines

·      Hereditary disorders such as Klinefelter Syndrome

·      Steroids

Most likely the biggest factor for the majority of men developing man boobs is simply a result of having excess fat on the chest.  A man may not be particularly out of shape but rather more predisposed to carrying fat around his chest area.  By losing body fat and gaining muscle, a man can work rid himself of man boobs and instead gain developed pectoral muscles.

Here are four ways a man can work off his man boobs while working on developing a healthier looking physique:

·      Perform a full-body workout

To lose fat from the chest, a man must train his whole body in order to burn a higher number of calories in addition to developing a more balanced physique.  Performing exercises of three sets of 10 each of squats, lunges, pushups, planks, reverse crunches and squat thrusts, is one way to help increase metabolism to reduce fat while building muscle.  Add to this exercise routine, aerobic conditioning physical activities of jogging, running, swimming, bicycling, or walking performed at least 3 times a week for 30-60 minutes each time.

·      Perform pushups every day

This is not meant to spot-reduce fat from your chest but it will help build the muscle underneath giving it more definition and size.  Pushups should be performed three or four times throughout the day stopping just short of failure with the form still good. 

·      Make dietary changes

Eating a balanced diet is another way to get rid of excess fat all over the body.  Small dietary changes are more likely to stick with the aim to lose around one to two pounds each week. Consume adequate protein-rich foods such as lean beef, chicken, fish, eggs, and dairy products along with fruits and vegetables.  Focus on getting carbohydrates from dark green and brightly colored vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds.  Reduce intake from restaurants, especially fast food restaurants while decreasing intake of sugary beverages and instead opting for water, iced tea or other no-calorie beverage.

·      Discuss with his doctor about low testosterone

Low testosterone levels in men can sometimes lead to gynecomastia.  This naturally occurring hormone is responsible for male physical features and also affects a man’s sex drive and mood. When there is an imbalance of the body’s hormones in men, including testosterone, gynecomastia can develop.  This condition affects about 1 in 4 men between the ages of 50 and 80. 

The good news is both low testosterone and gynecomastia are often treatable.  By discussing with his physician concerns of man boobs, a simple blood test can be performed to check levels of testosterone and if they are low, testosterone replacement therapy can be used.  Testosterone replacement therapy is available in several forms – transdermal skin patch, gels such as Androgel, in addition to injections and implants.  Depending on his doctor’s recommendation and what a man’s insurance will cover, will determine what form testosterone replacement therapy may be delivered in.