Are herbal supplements useful in treating erectile dysfunction?

Are herbal supplements useful in treating erectile dysfunction?

Many men may have concerns with taking a prescribed medication like Viagra. If a man is concerned with side effects of prescribed medications like this, he may want to resort to herbal supplements for help. 

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6 best muscle-building foods for men

6 best muscle-building foods for men

You need energy-rich foods supplying your body with the right blend of vitamins, minerals, and protein to help repair muscle tissue in conjunction with lifting weights to sculpt your physique into a lean, strong muscle bound machine.

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Men, Sunscreen & Skin Cancer

Men, Sunscreen & Skin Cancer

A new study indicates that a full two-thirds of us who think we know what we are doing are actually getting quietly cooked. (Perhaps that's why 3.5 million cases of basel and squamous skin are diagnosed in the U.S. each year.)

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Healthy foods that make healthy men

Healthy foods that make healthy men

There is one thing all men can do to make tremendous health strides – choose really nutritious foods. All men love to eat but there are certain foods that stand out specifically in helping men see major health improvements – reductions in cholesterol and blood pressure levels, improvements in memory, prostate health and even their love life, just to name a few.

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Time to get up and walk like a man

Time to get up and walk like a man

Remember the song “Walk like a man” by the Four Seasons?  Maybe it wasn’t exactly referring to walk as in getting in more exercise, but we can pretend it was in a subtle way meaning just that.  And yes, men should walk – a lot.  But unfortunately walking as a legitimate form of beneficial exercise may be seen by some men as being, well, rather unmanly. 

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Men more at risk for bladder cancer

Men more at risk for bladder cancer

Bladder cancer is the fourth most common malignancy in the United States and is also considered one of the 10 deadliest cancers.  The American Cancer Society estimates for 2017 that about 60,490 new cases of this cancer will be diagnosed in men.  If there’s a cancer men are more likely to get than women it is bladder cancer  - for 2017 18,540 women are estimated to receive the diagnosis of this disease.  Recognizing the symptoms associated with bladder cancer can be crucial as the sooner it is discovered, the more likely a person will survive the disease.

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Everything a man should know about why he needs to do Kegel exercises

Everything a man should know about why he needs to do Kegel exercises

Men who care about their outward appearance will do what it takes to get and stay in shape.  The usual routine of running, lifting weights, push-ups and planks often take center stage in achieving this goal. But there is another exercise that won’t make any sort of noticeable physical difference to someone looking at him.  Yet this exercise and this exercise alone, holds the key to reaching and attaining remarkable urological health for any man who performs it regularly – Kegel exercises.

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What is a TURP?

What is a TURP?

A Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) is a surgical procedure to remove excessive growth of the prostate gland, caused by Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). The prostate is a small gland within the male reproductive system.

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Men's Eating Disorders.

Men's Eating Disorders.

Males unsatisfied with their body image may be at high risk not only of extreme dieting and purging but are also disproportionately likely to suffer quality of life issues such as depression.

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