Epididymitis – a cause for concern for men

Epididymitis – a cause for concern for men

There is a long, narrow tube tightly coiled at the back of the testicles called the epididymis.  This little known curved structure is where sperm can mature and be stored in. If the epididymis becomes inflamed it is then known as epididymitis.   Epididymitis is not a commonly known condition but once a man has it, he probably won’t forget it.  Each year more than 60,000 men in the United States will visit an emergency room due to this problem. 

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Everything a man should know about why he needs to do Kegel exercises

Everything a man should know about why he needs to do Kegel exercises

Men who care about their outward appearance will do what it takes to get and stay in shape.  The usual routine of running, lifting weights, push-ups and planks often take center stage in achieving this goal. But there is another exercise that won’t make any sort of noticeable physical difference to someone looking at him.  Yet this exercise and this exercise alone, holds the key to reaching and attaining remarkable urological health for any man who performs it regularly – Kegel exercises.

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