The top 5 dangers to men’s health

The top 5 dangers to men’s health

Men who take the time and initiative to be proactive with their wellbeing, can avoid the top 5 dangers to their health or at the very least, catch them at an early stage when they are more treatable. 

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Treat BPH to reduce nighttime bathroom trips

Treat BPH to reduce nighttime bathroom trips

As men get older, many changes can occur one of which is their risk for developing an enlarged prostate gland. This condition is known as BPH which affects about half of men between the ages of 51 and 60 and up to 90 percent of men over the age of 80. 

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Male menopause does exist and here’s why

Male menopause does exist and here’s why

A natural part of aging is a change in our hormones.  This includes both men and women who experience this phase of their lives.  In fact, some men claim they also go through a “change of life” just like women called male menopause.

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7 bodily issues men worry about

7 bodily issues men worry about

What are some of the embarrassing male body issues that men face?  Here is a list of what some men may find unattractive about them and wish they could change.  Many features on the list can be remedied, often at a monetary price. 

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