Alright Men, Let's Discuss: Does Size Really Matter?

Alright Men, Let's Discuss: Does Size Really Matter?

It’s easy to laugh at poor George Costanza for his shrunken manhood, but some reports suggest that only about 55% of men are satisfied with their penis size. Some men actually seek potentially dangerous surgical solutions to a problem that  is often only in their head. Clearly men have a very distorted picture of what the average size is or what the best size is for optimal sexual performance. A number of studies have tried to understand this cultural connotation with penis size and sexual performance. 

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Ways to prevent erectile dysfunction

Ways to prevent erectile dysfunction

It is extremely important to maintain a healthy weight for a number of reasons, and avoiding erectile dysfunction is one of them. Losing weight or maintaining a healthy body weight is also important for your cardiovascular health. The two are actually connected. Because the penis is a vascular organ, it requires adequate blood flow in order to function properly. If there is a lack of blood flow, this can eventually cause damage and result in erectile dysfunction. Preventing or controlling diabetes is also important to prevent erectile dysfunction because diabetes is related to being overweight or obese, which can cause nerve damage in the penis.

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5 Substances That May Cause Erectile Dysfunction

5 Substances That May Cause Erectile Dysfunction

Did you know that about 25 percent of all erectile dysfunction cases are caused by some type of medication side effect? This is one of a few reasons why erectile dysfunction (ED) is more common among men as they get older. Older men tend to be on at least one medication to a number of different medications. It is possible that at least one of them is causing side effects that result in ED.

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Young Men Experience Erectile Dysfunction Too

Young Men Experience Erectile Dysfunction Too

Impotence, aka erectile dysfunction, aka ED, is not often the easiest topic to discuss but it effects more men than we likely realize.  As many as 50 million men in the US and Europe suffer from impotence, or erectile dysfunction.  Statistically, this number includes only about 5% of men less than 40 years old and up to 25% of men by the time they reach 65 years of age. By definition, impotence is the inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse.

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What is testicular torsion?

What is testicular torsion?

Testicular torsion – sounds painful, right? Testicular torsion occurs when a testicle twists on the spermatic cord that allows blood to flow to the testicle. The lack of blood flow to the testicle causes a great deal of severe pain and swelling which often appears rather suddenly. Testicular torsion is a serious medical emergency that requires immediate treatment. If testicular torsion is left untreated, the testicles can become permanently damaged.

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What is a varicocele?

What is a varicocele?

A varicocele is inflammation or swelling that occurs in the scrotum. It is when the veins in the scrotum become enlarged. They are most common among males between the ages of 15 and 25 years old. They also usually occur on the left side of the scrotum (left testicle). About 15 to 20 percent of males in the United States have varicoceles.

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Man Up: 5 Ways to Take Control of Your Health This Summer

Man Up: 5 Ways to Take Control of Your Health This Summer

When men are young, they act as if they’ll live forever.  The modern saying “you only live once,” which usually precedes some not so prudent, albeit moronic behavior, perfectly illustrates this feeling of immortality.  As men age, this disregard spills over into the way they treat their health.  Healthcare for men tends to be reactive rather than proactive.  This means, unless something is broken, or chronically hurting, there is no reason to visit the doctor.  We are here to tell men to get it together, and get proactive.  It’s time to take charge of your health.

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What is Hydrocele?

What is Hydrocele?

Ahydrocele is sac that is filled with fluid which forms on a testicle. It causes inflammation or swelling in the scrotum. They are most common in babies, but can affect males of any age. In adult men, it often affects those that are middle-aged or older.They are not a very serious condition as there are not any severe complications associated with the condition unless they are associated with an infection, tumor, or inguinal hernia.

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Watermelon is the best fruit for Men’s Health

Watermelon is the best fruit for Men’s Health

nd the winner is watermelon. Researchers analyzed many fruits for men’s health and found watermelon to be comprehensively the overall best fruit for men to consume for their overall health. Important factors for men's health are:

  1. Impact on prostate health
  2. Sexual health
  3. Overall well-being
  4. Brain health
  5. Hydration

Watermelon is composed of 92% water, manages to provide a wealth of important nutrients and health benefits for men and has a minimal amount of calories, therefore can be consumed in high quantities. 

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Do you suffer from male menopause?

Do you suffer from male menopause?

Did you know that men suffer from male menopause too? That’s right, menopause is not just a woman’s condition. Men can also suffer the effects of changing hormones after a certain age. Many men experience some of the same symptoms that women experience in perimenopause (meaning around menopause) and menopause. This includes low sex drive, hot flashes, depression, irritability, mood swings, increased body fat, and decreased energy.

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How to stop premature ejaculation

How to stop premature ejaculation

There's no doubt sexual performance is a taboo, nay embarrassing, topic to talk about. But premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problem facing younger men, under 40.  There are a wide array of causes, and premature ejaculation doesn't necessarily come from a physical insufficiency as some men might think.  

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Erectile Dysfunction Increases, Penile Implants Decrease

Erectile Dysfunction Increases, Penile Implants Decrease

New research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine shows that the use of penile prostheses, also known as penile implants, is declining. Experts are perplexed, because the study also identified that the number of men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction increase 165%. Let's explore why.

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7 Health Gifts for Father's Day

7 Health Gifts for Father's Day

It’s all about the men in your life. This week we’re celebrating Men’s Health Week, June is Men’s Health Month and of course we have Father’s Day coming up this Sunday. It’s a time to celebrate all the men in your life: fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, uncles and grandfathers. Helping men live longer, healthier lives is my passion. Here are 7 gift ideas he'll never forget.

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