Five facts you didn’t know about testicular cancer
/One of the most famous cases of a man with testicular cancer in recent history is when professional road racing cyclist Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with the disease in 1996.
Read MoreOne of the most famous cases of a man with testicular cancer in recent history is when professional road racing cyclist Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with the disease in 1996.
Read MorePenises are often associated with power and masculinity but the size may not matter as much as you thought it did. And in addition, most men are within the same ballpark of being more alike size-wise than different.
Read MoreMen - you’ve heard it a million times but there’s a reason why you should not ignore any symptoms of cancer.
Read MoreInfertility is often viewed as more of a “woman’s problem” but up to one-third of infertility issues can be related back to a man’s infertility complications.
Read MoreOne of the most famous cases of a man with testicular cancer in recent history is when professional road racing cyclist Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with the disease in 1996.
Read MoreThe dark topic of suicide is never an easy one to discuss. Yet, it is a topic that should be broached as the stigma of suicide leads to individuals who are unnecessarily taking their lives when they could be helped.
Read MoreIf there’s a cancer that men are more likely to get than women it is bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is the fourth most common malignancy in the United States and is also considered one of the 10 deadliest cancers.
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The image of a person clutching their chest writhing in agony is what most of us assume having a heart attack is like.
Read MorePumping iron is one part of the equation achieving that look but there is a second vital component also required to complete the formula – muscle-building food.
Read MoreWhen a man discovers he has low testosterone (low T) his first reaction is often to want to be given a prescription for treating this condition right away.
Read MoreMaybe it’s the sports car he recently bought. Or maybe he mentioned about getting a facial for the first time ever and is looking into hair plugs for his bald spot.
Read MoreEpididymitis is not a commonly known condition but once a man has it, he probably won’t forget it.
Read MoreBuilding muscle mass requires a good deal of time spent in the gym lifting weights to carve and sculpt the kind of muscular definition most men want.
Read MoreRecent discoveries about the health benefits of champagne may make current manufacturers regret their ancestors' campaign to make the rest of us associate champagne only with special occasions.
Read MoreStress is a bummer. It affects all of us and usually not in a good way. A man’s health often hinges on how much stress he is experiencing at any one time.
Read MoreMale hypogonadism is when the testes also called the testicles are not making normal levels of the male sex hormone, testosterone. Some men will either be born with it or it could develop later in his life.
Read MoreRestoring testosterone production in men may be as effective as replacing it, without compromising their fertility.
Read MoreIt’s taken for granted that most women at one time or another has faked an orgasm. But a man - no way!
Read MoreThink you can tell a man from a woman, a PhD from someone who never attended college, a conservative from a liberal, based solely on the content of their social media feeds?
Read MoreTo get men started on a path pointing towards good health, here are 3 foods all men should choose daily if not frequently throughout each week to begin his journey towards better and improved health.
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