Which is better? Plant-based milk or cow’s milk?

Which is better?  Plant-based milk or cow’s milk?

Take a walk down the dairy aisle and you’ll notice a big change.  The refrigerator case that was once dominated by cow’s milk is taking on a new look.  Cow’s milk is having to give up some shelf space and is slowly being edged out by plant-based milk alternatives.  You may have spotted and even used soymilk, almond, coconut, rice, cashew, oat, hemp, quinoa, or hazelnut, just to name a few.

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Health Tip: Evaluate Your Beverage Diet

Health Tip: Evaluate Your Beverage Diet

Our liquid diet is often an aspect of our eating habits we overlook, thinking that it's not affecting our overall health that much. Well that's the wrong approach. The majority of Americans are not aware or fully engaged in their drinking habits but they actually have a profound effect on our health. Many nutritionists refer to these drinks as "sugar-sweetened beverages" that most people don't think are sweetened. 

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