The Signs of Anorexia Nervosa

The Signs of Anorexia Nervosa

The exact cause of anorexia nervosa – an eating disorder that predominantly affects women – is not known. Biological ,psychological and even environmental – Western culture's unhealthy obsession withbeing thin – factors all have their own camps and adherents. Likely it is some combination of the three.

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7 warning signs of lung cancer not to ignore

7 warning signs of lung cancer not to ignore

Lung cancer – just the name of it sounds ominous.  We may reason it could never happen to us - I don’t smoke or am even around others who do. Yet lung cancer can and does affect all different types of people and is the leading cancer killer in both men and women in the U.S. 

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Blocking the Spread of Ovarian Cancer

Blocking the Spread of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is the fifth most lethal cancer among American women, and it accounts for more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive system. Fortunately, scientists at the University of Illinois at Chicago are hard at work evening those odds, and they have just made a breakthrough.

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Has Gonorrhea Developed Resistance to Antibiotics?

Has Gonorrhea Developed Resistance to Antibiotics?

We’ve all been treated by antibiotics for one thing or another, but what antibiotics no longer worked as an effective cure?  This is currently the future we face with one of the most prominent sexually transmitted diseases, gonorrhea. 

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America and the obesity epidemic

America and the obesity epidemic

Many Americans are eating more calories than they burn mainly because food is more convenient than ever before. It is very easily accessible, especially with the use of mobile apps these days. The majority of Americans also don't get much exercise.

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What is Pharyngitis?

What is Pharyngitis?

Pharyngitis is caused by swelling in the back of the throat between the tonsils and the larynx. It most often occurs during cold and flu seasons when viral infections are prevalent. It usually spreads between people by breathing in bacteria or viruses that are spread in the air, or by touching surfaces or objects that have been exposed with germs.

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10 unusual signs of iron deficiency

What does it mean to be iron deficient? An iron deficiency is a type of anemia. It is a condition in which the blood does not have enough healthy red blood cells, and therefore causes a shortage of iron in the body. Bone marrow needs iron to make hemoglobin. Without enough iron, the body can't produce enough hemoglobin for red blood cells. This type of anemia is often caused by blood loss, such as from heavy menstrual bleeding, an ulcer, cancer, a polyp somewhere in your digestive system, and prolonged use of aspirin or drugs known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

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What Is Kawasaki Disease?

 What Is Kawasaki Disease?

Kawasaki disease is an uncommon but serious condition that usually occurs in children under the age of five years old. It is characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels. Kawasaki disease is also known as Kawasaki syndrome or Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome. It is unclear as to what the exact cause of the disease is. 

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Learn About Porphyria?

Learn About Porphyria?

Porphyria is a rare hereditary disease where hemoglobin in the blood is not metabolized properly.  This causes a buildup of natural chemicals that produce porphyrin in your body, and at high levels this porphyrins can cause a wide array of issues in the body. 

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What Is Pick’s Disease?

What Is Pick’s Disease?

Pick’s disease is a type of dementia. It is very rare, and it is irreversible. Pick’s disease may also be known as frontotemporal dementia, semantic dementia, or Arnold Pick's disease. It is believed that Pick’s disease accounts for up to fifteen percent of all dementia cases. This condition can cause severe personality changes. 

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What Is Pericarditis?

What Is Pericarditis?

Pericarditis is inflammation of the pericardium, the membrane that surrounds the heart muscle.  This swelling and irritation of the pericardium causes pain within the chest that is likened to that of a heart attack.  

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Learn About Gonorrhea

Learn About Gonorrhea

One of the most common sexually transmitted diseases is gonorrhea.  The CDC estimates that there are 700,000 new cases of Gonorrhea each year.  This STD is also known by the nickname the “clap”.  By definition, an STD is a sexually transmitted disease, also known as an STI or sexually transmitted infection.  These diseases, of which gonorrhea is grouped into, are spread via sexual contact from one partner to the next.  This sexual contact can occur in many ways such as orally, vaginally, anally, or from hand to genital interaction. 

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