Breast Cancer and Low-Dose Aspirin

Breast Cancer and Low-Dose Aspirin

You may be taking low-dose aspirin regularly because its blood-thinning powers are known to stave off heart disease, but some California researchers may have just given you another reason. Their findings indicate that taking low-dose aspirin at least three times per week may reduce a woman's risk of breast cancer by up to 20 percent.

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Is it normal to have nipple discharge?

Is it normal to have nipple discharge?

Any woman who notices nipple discharge from her breast and is not breastfeeding may immediately go into panic mode.  However before immediately fearing the worst, the sight of discharge from a nipple can be alarming but in the vast majority of cases, it most likely is either normal or a minor issue.

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Bartholin's Cyst

Bartholin's Cyst

Cysts – sac-like lumps filled with fluid, air or other substances – can occur just about anywhere in your body, and are typically no cause for alarm. Bartholin's cysts – those which occur when the vagina's Bartholin's glands become obstructed – are no different. They are, in fact, relatively common, most often forming after childbirth or surgery.

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When a woman has bladder prolapse

When a woman has bladder prolapse

A common but not always talked about condition that up to 11 percent of women will experience is bladder prolapse.  Many women who have this condition may not even realize what has happened but may express “I have low back pain,” or “It feels like I’m sitting on a ball,” or “It’s difficult for me to urinate.” 

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Hot flashes may increase risk of heart disease

Hot flashes may increase risk of heart disease

Hot flashes may be more than just a woman feeling the heat – they may also be increasing a woman’s risk of heart disease.  Hot flashes, typically associated with menopause is when a woman may have a quick feeling of intense heat along with sometimes a red, flushed face and sweating.  Up to 70% of women experience hot flashes with a third describing them as frequent or severe.  Now a new study has discovered a link between women who get frequent hot flashes during menopause who may be susceptible to vascular dysfunction which can lead to heart disease.

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What is folate and how can you tell if you need folate?

What is folate and how can you tell if you need folate?

Folate is a water soluble vitamin found mainly in green vegetables. It is water soluble and thus is not stored in the fat stores of the body where most fat soluble vitamins are stored.

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Removal of healthy breast not always advised

Removal of healthy breast not always advised

It’s becoming more of a growing trend for a woman with breast cancer to request to have her other healthy breast removed in order to lessen her risk of cancer recurrence. 

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