Holiday Belly Fat: How to avoid it

With the holidays coming up, everyone will be eating lots of rich foods often loaded with sugar, fat, salt. These are some of the main culprits of abdominal, or belly fat – something we all dread. The waist line is usually the first place excess fat migrates to. It is also one of the most difficult places to lose weight. Other than just being unpleasing to the eye, belly fat is actually one of the worst places to harbor excess fat on the body because it can increase your risk for serious health problems such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, and even colorectal cancer.

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10 Ways to Relieve Belly Bloat

10 Ways to Relieve Belly Bloat

Paying attention to your gut health is one of the most important (and often overlooked) things you can do for your health. Currently, a lot of research has been done around the micro-biome and apparently a happy microbiome is the secret to good health. Not all research has confirmed or identified all of the bacterial strains teeming in our guts but 5 new books break down what you need to know to transform your body's second brain. 

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