Weighing the pros and cons of testosterone replacement therapy

Weighing the pros and cons of testosterone replacement therapy

Testosterone is a sex hormone produced in the testicles and adrenal glands.  It is the equivalent to males of what the hormone estrogen is to women.  Testosterone has far reaching effects for men in helping to regulate sex drive, bone mass, fat distribution, along with muscle mass and strength. 

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Top 5 deadliest cancers in men

Top 5 deadliest cancers in men

To help men remain as healthy as possible, it is important to be familiar with what cancers are they more likely to die from.  The earlier men recognize symptoms of these 5 cancers and seek help from their physician as soon as possible, the greater chance they have of surviving them:

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Bladder problems men should see a urologist for

Bladder problems men should see a urologist for

Urinary problems in men are fairly common but especially in men past the age of 50.  Increased urinary frequency, urinary urgency, or trouble starting a urine stream, are just a few of the issues men may have to contend with in later years.

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7 strategies for men on managing BPH

7 strategies for men on managing BPH

Men may notice that as they age, urinations problems become an issue.  It could be a noticeable urgency to get to a bathroom right away or the feeling of not totally emptying out their bladder.  There’s a good chance these symptoms are related to a condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia. 

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7 things men do harming their fertility

7 things men do harming their fertility

Many men may unknowingly be doing certain things harming their ability to create new life.  And the good news is, most of these common practices men do, can be corrected helping to increase their fertility and in becoming a dad. 

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Erectile Dysfunction in Relation to High Blood Pressure

Erectile Dysfunction in Relation to High Blood Pressure

Some are afraid to talk about it with their health care providers because they are too embarrassed. Others are afraid of what is causing the ED and fear that it may be cancer, and they don't want to know this.

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