Erectile Dysfunction in Relation to High Blood Pressure

Erectile Dysfunction in Relation to High Blood Pressure

Erectile dysfunction is a problem that many men have to deal with. It is one that can have a negative effective on them mentally. Some are afraid to talk about it with their health care providers because they are too embarrassed. Others are afraid of what is causing the ED and fear that it may be cancer, and they don't want to know this.

For those that do want to deal with the problem they will often seek out drugs from their physician that will help to stimulate an erection. What is important is to first determine the cause of ED , or at least rule out any potentially serious medical issues that could be causing this.

While there are a selection of drugs that can be effectively used to help create an erection, they do not work for every man, and there are several circumstances in which it is not safe for a man to rely on these.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

ED has clearly been recognized as a medical problem, and there have been several studies as to what can be the potential causes of this. There are several issues that have been identified which is helped with determining what can be done to correct the problem.

Drugs That Could  Contribute Erectile Dysfunction

Sometimes a certain health problem can be the cause of the problem. A prime example of this is high blood pressure. Yet, what can be just as frustrating is that some of the drugs that are used to treat the high blood pressure can also cause erectile dysfunction. It is not uncommon for older men to be prescribed various medications for different health reasons, and some of these meds can be the cause of the ED. The statistics indicate that about25% of ED is caused by meds. One of these medications happens to be many of those that are used for treating high blood pressure, and it seems to be one of the more common medications that can cause this. It is because many of these types of medications can cause a decreased flow of blood to the penis which in turn makes it difficult to have an erection. This doesn't mean that all blood pressure control drugs cause this.

High Blood Pressure and Erectile Dysfunction

Men should not ignore being checked for high blood pressure simply because they are concerned about the medications potentially causing ED. In fact, for some men who are currently dealing with ED could be as a result of having high blood pressure and they don't realize it, as there may not be any other symptoms showing that the blood pressure is high. High blood pressure that is not controlled could possible lead to a stroke which could cause loss of life, or long term effects.

Fortunately there may be other medications that can be used to treat the high blood pressure which will then correct the ED problem. There several different medications on the market for BP so this gives health care providers some choices as to what to use for treatment.