Everything a man should know about why he needs to do Kegel exercises

Everything a man should know about why he needs to do Kegel exercises

Men who care about their outward appearance will do what it takes to get and stay in shape.  The usual routine of running, lifting weights, push-ups and planks often take center stage in achieving this goal. But there is another exercise that won’t make any sort of noticeable physical difference to someone looking at him.  Yet this exercise and this exercise alone, holds the key to reaching and attaining remarkable urological health for any man who performs it regularly – Kegel exercises.

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Red Ginseng and ED

There's been no shortage of studies into what gives red ginseng its mojo. For many men, red ginseng is their go-to supplement to address ED issues simply because it comes from the ground and not a test tube.

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What is andropause?

What is andropause?

Andropause, also known as male menopause, is a result of a gradual decrease in testosterone. Testosterone is an androgen. Male menopause is not the same as the type of menopause that women go through.

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The Potatoes and Hypertension Connection

The Potatoes and Hypertension Connection

Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Harvard Medical School found those who replaced one serving of boiled, baked, or mashed potatoes per day with a non-starchy vegetable had a lower risk of hypertension.

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