12 ways men can boost fertility

12   ways men can boost fertility

Eat pomegranate. This may be even better than testosterone because they’re a natural aromatase inhibitor, which prevents testosterone from being converted into estrogen.

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Vitamins men should take as they age

Vitamins men should take as they age

As we get older, vitamins and nutrients are essential to ward off age-related illnesses. The best way to get those vitamins and nutrients is to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.

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Men go through menopause too

Men go through menopause too

Most people think menopause is just a woman’s condition. However, that is not the case as men suffer from menopause too. Men can also suffer the effects of changing hormones after a certain age.

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What men should know about UTIs

What men should know about UTIs

A UTI, or urinary tract infection, is an infection in any part of your urinary tract. A UTI can infect your kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. However, most UTIs affect the bladder and the urethra. It’s important to know the facts about UTIs because if left untreated, you can suffer from serious complications if the UTI spreads to your kidneys.

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How high blood pressure is linked to erectile dysfunction

How high blood pressure is linked to erectile dysfunction

High blood pressure increases your risk for serious health conditions including heart attack, stroke, chronic heart failure, and kidney disease. It increases the chances of having your first heart attack as about seven out of ten people who have their first heart attack have high blood pressure.

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How coffee can help reduce erectile dysfunction

How coffee can help reduce erectile dysfunction

A study from Houston might give men another reason to drink that morning cup of java they all know and love. Researchers wanted to investigate whether there was an association between caffeine consumption and erectile dysfunction, since caffeine is consumed by more than 85% of adults. Coffee was used to test caffeine in the study because coffee is actually the world’s primary source of caffeine.

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Best vitamins for men

Best vitamins for men

ITAMIN D. Vitamin D becomes even more important with age, because it's needed to absorb calcium and helps prevent weak muscles and bones. Many men do not get enough exposure to the sun, which is needed for the body to produce vitamin D. It can be hard to get enough vitamin D from food. Most men can benefit from taking 1,000 IU of vitamin D daily. Too much vitamin D can cause fatigue and muscle weakness, so you should stay below 2,000 IU unless your doctor advises otherwise. Good food sources for vitamin D include salmon, sardines, cod liver oil, milk, cheese, egg yolk, orange juice, yogurt, and fortified breakfast cereal. 

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Symptoms that may indicate cancer

Symptoms that may indicate cancer

Abnormal change in your testicles. Get checked out if you notice a new lump, heaviness, or any other abnormal change in your testicle. This may be an indication of testicular cancer. Testicular cancer can be an aggressive disease which must be treated promptly. Your doctor will do a physical exam, blood tests, and an ultrasound of your scrotum.

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Is Your Cholesterol Medication Preventing Prostate Cancer?

Is Your Cholesterol Medication Preventing Prostate Cancer?

Several recent papers have suggested that statins, medications for cholesterol such as Lipitor and Zocor, may impact prostate cancer development and progression. Considering that these drugs have revolutionized the prevention of heart disease, could these drugs truly killing two birds with one stone? We would like to think so. 

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