Three common prostate problems all men face

Three common prostate problems all men face

Every single man at some point in his life is at risk of developing prostate issues.  Because all men have a prostate, all men in your life – grandfather, father, brother, husband, son, or boyfriend – has the chance of having to face a diagnosis of a problem with his prostate. 

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7 things men do harming their fertility

7 things men do harming their fertility

Many men may unknowingly be doing certain things harming their ability to create new life.  And the good news is, most of these common practices men do, can be corrected helping to increase their fertility and in becoming a dad. 

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Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia – what every man needs to know

Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia – what every man needs to know

The abnormal cells of PIN begin and are located in two different areas of the prostate – one area is called acini which is the lining of tiny sacs that give the prostate its spongelike appearance.  These same sacs are responsible for producing the fluid that is mixed together with sperm helping to create semen. 

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Testicular lumps and bumps – what could they be?

Testicular lumps and bumps – what could they be?

Often men who discover a lump in a testicle will most likely harbor thoughts of testicular cancer.  But before jumping to conclusions, there can be many other, more common and more likely non-cancerous reasons for the cause of testicular lumps and bumps.  Here are some possible explanations:

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The truth about men’s health

The truth about men’s health

Men are often thought of as the stronger sex.  But are they really?  When figures and statistics on men’s overall health and well-being are crunched, the reality looks radically different. 

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All about penile cancer

All about penile cancer

It is likely few of us know of any man who has been diagnosed with penile cancer. Penile cancer is considered a rare cancer for men in the North America and Europe as less than 1 man in 100,000 each year is diagnosed accounting for less than 1% of cancers of men in the United States. For the year 2017, the American Cancer Society estimates 2,120 new cases of penile cancer will be diagnosed with about 360 deaths from it.  Early detection and understanding how to spot the symptoms of it is critical to overcoming this cancer.

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Time to get up and walk like a man

Time to get up and walk like a man

Remember the song “Walk like a man” by the Four Seasons?  Maybe it wasn’t exactly referring to walk as in getting in more exercise, but we can pretend it was in a subtle way meaning just that.  And yes, men should walk – a lot.  But unfortunately walking as a legitimate form of beneficial exercise may be seen by some men as being, well, rather unmanly. 

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Men more at risk for bladder cancer

Men more at risk for bladder cancer

Bladder cancer is the fourth most common malignancy in the United States and is also considered one of the 10 deadliest cancers.  The American Cancer Society estimates for 2017 that about 60,490 new cases of this cancer will be diagnosed in men.  If there’s a cancer men are more likely to get than women it is bladder cancer  - for 2017 18,540 women are estimated to receive the diagnosis of this disease.  Recognizing the symptoms associated with bladder cancer can be crucial as the sooner it is discovered, the more likely a person will survive the disease.

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What is a TURP?

What is a TURP?

A Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) is a surgical procedure to remove excessive growth of the prostate gland, caused by Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). The prostate is a small gland within the male reproductive system.

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