Treating Low T: Unpacking the Dangers of Testosterone Replacement Therapies

You know the feeling. You're tired, no sex drive, your muscles have deflated, the weight is piling on and you just feel low.

So you think, "Am I still the same man?" Maybe you're pondering buying a red corvette and tighter jeans, thinking "this'll fix my problems." Right?


You're not having a mid-life crisis, you're gradually entering into what we call "male menopause."

Yes, you heard that right, male menopause. This isn't a mystery nor myth or legend. Men experience menopause just as women do.

What is Male Menopause?

Everything about male menopause is directly linked to a decrease in testosterone levels. It’s been said that testosterone is what makes men, well, men. Your testosterone is your mojo. From a healthy sex drive, high energy levels and sleep patterns to weight and emotional health, testosterone drives your quality of life.

Think of your body's testosterone reserve like Chase or Citibank — A reserve that has to last your entire life. As men get older, more testosterone gets spent.  

Of course, when you're "young," you're at the top of your game, right? Here's a little known fact: when men hit the age of 30, their testosterone decreases by 1% each year after.

So imagine the difference in your hormone levels by the time you're 60 or 70? Huge difference.

Over the past 20 years, we’ve seen a significant drop in testosterone levels in men ages 65-69. However, newer research has shown that almost 1 in 4 men over 30 have low testosterone or low T without any symptoms, while 1 in 20 having clinical symptoms.  

Common Symptoms of Low T include:

  • Increase in belly fat
  • Weight gain
  • Low to no sex drive (we certainly can't have that)
  • Fatigue
  • Risk of depression
  • Irritability
  • Mood Swings
  • Low energy
  • Bone density
  • Increased risk of diabetes

Size Matters When It Comes to Low T

The size of your stomach, that is. Obesity and being overweight plays a huge role in the advancement of male menopause. As men gain weight and raise their risk of obesity, testosterone levels dramatically decrease.

It’s time to stop thinking of your stomach solely as a cosmetic problem but as a real organ that secretes hormones related to cardiac disease, obesity and low testosterone.

The size of your abdomen is a key player in testosterone deficiency. The enzyme, aromatase, converts testosterone into estrogen in the stomach. Body fat rapidly increases this process.

As testosterone converts to estrogen, side effects such as man boobs may occur. Losing weight is the key to improving testosterone levels and fighting male menopause.

Unpacking the Risks of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Of course we’re all looking for a quick fix, but immediately running to the nearest testosterone clinic is not the answer. The truth is testosterone injections should never be the first line of defense when it comes to treating low T. What many men don’t realize is that testosterone is a lifelong therapy. Once you’re on these therapies, a physician monitors your levels every 6 months or even more frequently. It’s critical to explore all your options and look to natural methods, as opposed to jumping into replacement therapy.


Forms of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

  1. Transdermal Skin Patch: Androderm is a skin patch worn on the arm or upper body, applied once a day. This may cause severe itching and fluid-filled blisters.
  2. Gels: AndroGel and Testim are most commonly used and come in individual packets of clear testosterone gel. It’s applied once a day and absorbed directly through the skin. AndroGel, Axiron and Fortesta also come in a pump that delivers the prescribed amount of testosterone. Natesto is a gel applied through the nose. These gels may leave skin red, irritated or itchy.
  3. Testosterone Stick: Similar to an underarm deodorant, it’s applied directly to the skin.
  4. Mouth Patch: Striant is a tablet that is applied to the upper gum twice per day. It continuously releases testosterone into the blood through the oral tissues. Men may experience an unpleasant or bitter taste in the mouth, difficulty tasting food, stinging or swelling of the lips, and gum pain, tenderness, swelling, and irritation in the mouth.
  5. Injections and implants: Testosterone can also be injected directly into the muscles or implanted as pellets in the soft tissues. The body will slowly absorbed the testosterone into the blood stream. Side effects include inflammation and pain.
  6. Testosterone pills: Two of the more common formulas are called methyltestosterone and testosterone undecanoate. Some evidence has shown that oral testosterone may cause damage to the liver.

All testosterone therapy options have side effects including:

  • Increased risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Stimulation of prostate tissue
  • Serious blood clots
  • Hair loss
  • Acne or oily skin
  • Mild fluid retention
  • Breast enlargement
  • Increased risk of blood clots
  • Worsening of sleep apnea 
  • Shrunken testicles
  • Increased aggression and mood swings
  • Decrease in sperm count

Now, some men have what we call hypogonadism, a testosterone deficiency, where they don't produce enough of the hormone on their own. In some cases, testosterone replacement therapies may work but only after consulting with your urologist and closely monitoring the dosage.

The Link between Testosterone and Prostate Cancer

There’s a big debate when it comes to testosterone levels and the relation to prostate cancer development. Some studies have shown a significance when it comes to both high and low levels. Theses may have some merit, since we know as men age they’re more at risk of for the disease and their levels begin to drop. But, no solid evidence exists to prove these points. In some cases, hormonal therapy or androgen deprivation therapy is used to suppress a man’s testosterone levels in hopes of shrinking the prostate cancer tumor, but this does not cure prostate cancer.

However, TRT is not recommended for men currently with low or high grade prostate cancer. If men have a nodule on the prostate (discovered during a digital rectal exam) or a PSA greater than 3, TRT should be avoided. Also, men with urinary issues, serious heart condition, liver or kidney disease should stay far away.

My recommendation to men considering TRT is to undergo a thorough prostate exam before starting any therapy, including a digital rectal exam and PSA blood test. Getting a baseline PSA before taking any TRT is critical, since it may increase after therapies begin. A urologist should monitor the PSA closely once treatments start.

Fight Male Menopause and Increase Your Testosterone

When men turn 50, they should begin to check their testosterone levels in the morning before 9am. The range can be anywhere between 300-1000, but more is not better. I think optimal levels of testosterone should be between 400-600. If the first test is low, be sure to repeat it. We should never treat or diagnose low T based on one test.

It’s important to consult with a urologist. How do we diagnose this? We look at each man individually. We evaluate their history, changes in sexual function, low libido, infertility issues, changes in sleep pattern, muscle strength, bone density and weight gain and work on the best treatment path from there.

Before approaching testosterone replacement therapy, I also strongly believe men should look into natural ways to increase their testosterone. This begins and ends with losing weight as we already mentioned, but here are a few more methods to consider:

  1. Limit alcohol intake: Even drinking moderate amounts of alcohol can cause testosterone levels to plummet.
  2. Reduce stress: be mindful of factors in your life that create stress. Mental or physical stress can quickly depress your levels. The stress hormone cortisol suppresses the body’s ability to make testosterone.
  3. Cardio: High-intensity exercise can cut stress in half but don’t overdo it. Injuries and fatigue are sure signs that your workout may lower testosterone.
  4. Zinc: The mineral zinc is important for testosterone production. Look to protein-rich foods like meats and fish. If you decide to supplement zinc, stick to a dosage of less than 40mg per day.
  5. Vitamin D: This is a big secret when it comes to healthy testosterone levels. Foods like shellfish, tuna, salmon, egg yolks, beans and others work great. You can also look into taking vitamin D supplements, 1,000-2,000 IU per day (that's what I personally do,) and monitor your levels after that. Vitamin D levels should be between 30-60.
  6. Limit Sugar: When in doubt, say no to sugar. Testosterone levels decrease because sugar leads to a high insulin level.
  7. Healthy fats: Foods like olive oil, raw nuts, coconut oil, grass-fed meats and avocados are essential for building testosterone. 50-70% of your diet should include healthy fats.