Epididymitis – a cause for concern for men

Epididymitis – a cause for concern for men

There is a long, narrow tube tightly coiled at the back of the testicles called the epididymis.  This little known curved structure is where sperm can mature and be stored in. If the epididymis becomes inflamed it is then known as epididymitis.   Epididymitis is not a commonly known condition but once a man has it, he probably won’t forget it.  Each year more than 60,000 men in the United States will visit an emergency room due to this problem. 

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Bend, but Don’t Break

Bend, but Don’t Break

Spurred by a recent cringe-worthy case report in the New England Journal of Medicine, we sought to illuminate the mystery surrounding penile fracture.  While most men believe a “broken penis”, is mere science fiction and cannot actually occur in real life, think again boys!  This unfortunate incident does not just live in the realm of movies and nightmares.

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