The continued rise of suicide among men

The continued rise of suicide among men

The dark topic of suicide is never an easy one to discuss.  Yet, it is a topic that should be broached as the stigma of suicide leads to individuals who are unnecessarily taking their lives when they could be helped.  When we look the other way or ignore the fact there are people every day who make the decision to end their life, we are essentially making our own decision to not get involved instead of trying to reach out to them in their time of despair and hopelessness.

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All about penile cancer

All about penile cancer

It is likely few of us know of any man who has been diagnosed with penile cancer. Penile cancer is considered a rare cancer for men in the North America and Europe as less than 1 man in 100,000 each year is diagnosed accounting for less than 1% of cancers of men in the United States. For the year 2017, the American Cancer Society estimates 2,120 new cases of penile cancer will be diagnosed with about 360 deaths from it.  Early detection and understanding how to spot the symptoms of it is critical to overcoming this cancer.

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Varicoceles in boys and men

Varicoceles in boys and men

Varicoceles are veins that become enlarged inside the scrotum of men – comparable to developing a varicose vein in a leg.  The scrotum is a sac that holds the testicles and is part of the male reproductive system that makes, stores, and moves sperm.  The testicles make sperm and the hormone testosterone.  Sperm that are in the process of maturing will move through the epididymis, a coiled tube behind each testicle.

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Time to get up and walk like a man

Time to get up and walk like a man

Remember the song “Walk like a man” by the Four Seasons?  Maybe it wasn’t exactly referring to walk as in getting in more exercise, but we can pretend it was in a subtle way meaning just that.  And yes, men should walk – a lot.  But unfortunately walking as a legitimate form of beneficial exercise may be seen by some men as being, well, rather unmanly. 

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Men more at risk for bladder cancer

Men more at risk for bladder cancer

Bladder cancer is the fourth most common malignancy in the United States and is also considered one of the 10 deadliest cancers.  The American Cancer Society estimates for 2017 that about 60,490 new cases of this cancer will be diagnosed in men.  If there’s a cancer men are more likely to get than women it is bladder cancer  - for 2017 18,540 women are estimated to receive the diagnosis of this disease.  Recognizing the symptoms associated with bladder cancer can be crucial as the sooner it is discovered, the more likely a person will survive the disease.

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