Healthy Father's Day: Gift Ideas for Dad

Healthy Father's Day: Gift Ideas for Dad

In June we celebrate all the men in our lives. We're spreading awareness for health and prevention as part of Men's Health Month and Father's Day is just around the corner. This year, don't just give Dad the typical gifts but give him the gift of health. We've put together a list of some of the best gifts for Dad this year and ways you can help him become more proactive when it comes to his health.

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4 Natural Ways to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

4 Natural Ways to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

The National Institute of Health has approximated that 5% of 40-year-old-men between 15% and 25% of 65-year-old-men experience erectile dysfunction on a long-term basis. However, more commonly is the problem affecting men at some point in their life for a short period of time. Here are natural remedies to consider for erectile dysfunction.

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