Alright Men, Let's Discuss: Does Size Really Matter?

Alright Men, Let's Discuss: Does Size Really Matter?

It’s easy to laugh at poor George Costanza for his shrunken manhood, but some reports suggest that only about 55% of men are satisfied with their penis size. Some men actually seek potentially dangerous surgical solutions to a problem that  is often only in their head. Clearly men have a very distorted picture of what the average size is or what the best size is for optimal sexual performance. A number of studies have tried to understand this cultural connotation with penis size and sexual performance. 

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Caffeine may improve erectile dysfunction

Caffeine may improve erectile dysfunction

A new study suggests that drinking a few cups of coffee each day could lower a man’s risk for erectile dysfunction. Researchers from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston found that men who drank at least two cups of coffee each day had a 42 percent reduction in erectile dysfunction problems. 

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Bend, but Don’t Break

Bend, but Don’t Break

Spurred by a recent cringe-worthy case report in the New England Journal of Medicine, we sought to illuminate the mystery surrounding penile fracture.  While most men believe a “broken penis”, is mere science fiction and cannot actually occur in real life, think again boys!  This unfortunate incident does not just live in the realm of movies and nightmares.

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