Over half of men with diabetes develop ED

There has always been a known link between men with diabetes and the risk of developing erectile dysfunction (ED).  But data on just how prevalent the condition was among men has been lacking.  A recently published large meta-analysis is now revealing the extent of diabetes on a man’s sexuality and ability to achieve an erection.

Published in the journal Diabetic Medicine, the meta-analysis included a total of 88,755 men with diabetes, average age of 56, coming from international diabetes databases of 145 studies that had been conducted in Asia, Europe, North America, Africa and Oceania, South American and other multiple continents.  Out of these countries, South America had the highest prevalence of ED (74.6%) with the lowest prevalence reported coming from studies in North America (35.5%).

Specifically what researchers found was the prevalence of ED in diabetes overall was 52.5% after adjusting for publication bias, and 37.5% of men with type 1 diabetes, 66.3% of men with type 2 diabetes, and 57.7% for both types of diabetes.

When compared to men who were healthy without diabetes, men with diabetes were 3.62 times more likely to develop ED.  The psychological impact of ED on men with diabetes is significant and has been found to lead to depressive symptoms in these men having a negative influence on their physical and emotional wellbeing.  This makes it imperative that physicians are questioning their male diabetic patients on ED to understand the root causes of the condition and to get them the help they need.  Physicians should also be aware of ED’s correlation to cardiovascular health and mortality making it imperative they do additional testing assessing a man’s cardiovascular risk.

What can men with diabetes and ED do?

First men should not just accept the fact he no longer can achieve an erection if he has diabetes.  It is normal for a man to feel embarrassed discussing this intimate and personal part of his life, but physicians are trained to listen and to help them in whatever way they can.  Opening up and talking about ED is the only way a man will learn what treatments and options are out there helping to restore his sex life.

·      Men should explain to their physician the symptoms they have been experiencing.

·      Tell their physician their concerns and asking if it could be ED or another sexual disorder.

·      Let their physician know of any emotional or physical changes they have experienced.

·      Review their current medications with their physician assessing if they could be causing the symptoms.

·      Ask and discuss with their physician of possible treatment options for ED.