Here’s what happens to your penis as you age

Here’s what happens to your penis as you age

As a guy, you understand that as you age, you may notice and accept thinning hair, a spare tire for a belly and biceps that no longer bulge.  But then, the day comes when your man tool looks a little or maybe a lot different than he used to in his heyday.  Wait a minute.  That’s not supposed to happen, is it?  Unfortunately, yes, your penis will also age over the decades.  Maybe not as dramatic as losing a headful of hair you once had in your twenties by the time you reach forty, but nonetheless, a fairly significant change by the time a man reaches his 60’s and beyond.

What are these changes and more importantly, what does it mean for your sex life?

Changes in the penis are often very gradual but can manifest in the following ways:

·      Penis size

Okay, the truth hurts but yes, the penis will have some shrinkage.  Although the amount is not dramatic it can be noticeable as a man gets older.  As an example, a man who once enjoyed a 6 inch erection during his prime may have shrinkage of anywhere from ½ inch to 1 inch.  One cause for shrinkage of the penis is a result of poor blood circulation.  Fatty plaque can form inside the small arteries of the penis that lead to a smaller appearance.  After the age of 40, even testicular size can reduce in the mass it once was.  Another factor making your penis appear smaller is if you have a large belly.  Abdominal fat hides much of the shaft of a penis.  Make Mr. Happy happy again by losing some weight so he can show off himself off better.

·      Penis sensitivity

Every man as he ages will experience a drop in testosterone levels.  When testosterone takes a nose dive, there can also be an accompanying drop in sensitivity, making it more difficult to reach an orgasm.  Another touchy subject men dread is the fact your erections will not be as rock hard like they were in the old day’s thanks again to low testosterone.   When erections do appear, they may take longer to become erect and often are not as firm as they were in your forties or younger.  After the age of 50, you may notice it takes longer to achieve an erection and your ability to raise the flag solely from sexual fantasies is not working like it used to.  Direct fondling of the penis becomes necessary to get a rise out of it.  And if there are any distractions, such as an ambulance siren or an alarm going off, your penis is more likely to decide he’s done playing by going soft.

·      Low sex drive

You may think, “This will never happen to me.”  But oh yes, it can and it does to most men at some point in their life.  Not that it is long-lived but it can happen.  Low sex drive or libido is when a man may have a sexual response that is slower and less intense.  One of the first things to check is your testosterone level.  This all-important male hormone rules your sex drive and you need to have a blood test done to see what the level is.  Testosterone replacement therapy is the method for treating low T which a doctor can give you advice on.  A low libido can also be due to a psychological or social change due to aging such as lack of a willing partner, illness, a chronic condition, or medications. 

·      Erectile dysfunction

No list of changes in the penis would be complete without addressing erectile dysfunction (ED).  If you have already experienced ED, you are not alone.   As many as 52 percent of all men will experience ED, according to the Cleveland Clinic.  ED can be the result of a variety of intertwined causes such as diabetes, alcohol, obesity, low testosterone, medications, anxiety, depression, heart disease, or prostate problems.   You may want to simply pop the little blue pill but unless the underlying problem is addressed, you may never get satisfaction.  It is recommended to have the discussion with your doctor on what is going on to rule out any chronic condition psychologically and physiologically. 

·      Urinary function decline

Practically every man is going to have some kind decline in urinary functioning and it is most likely due to changes in your prostate.  The prostate gland will enlarge with age.  This condition is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and affects about 50% of all men.   The most common symptoms or changes to happen will be frequent nighttime urination, slowed urination or having difficulty starting a urine flow.  Some preventative measures to take to avoid significant urinary decline can be to maintain a healthy body weight, exercise regularly, and practice Kegel exercises for men.  

In conclusion, aging by itself does not prevent a man from being able to enjoy sexual relationships.  Sure, your penis will have some changes just like the rest of your body but it doesn’t mean your sex life is over for good.  In fact, for many men, the most important thing to have is a loving partner who accepts you as you are, whether your penis can still salute or not.   It all is a matter of attitude and acceptance of a new phase of life.