Which is better? Plant-based milk or cow’s milk?

Which is better?  Plant-based milk or cow’s milk?

Take a walk down the dairy aisle and you’ll notice a big change.  The refrigerator case that was once dominated by cow’s milk is taking on a new look.  Cow’s milk is having to give up some shelf space and is slowly being edged out by plant-based milk alternatives.  You may have spotted and even used soymilk, almond, coconut, rice, cashew, oat, hemp, quinoa, or hazelnut, just to name a few.

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Dairy: Friend or foe to your health?

Dairy: Friend or foe to your health?

Eating dairy may lower your risk for metabolic diseases like obesity and Type 2 diabetes, according to a new study. The study out of CHU de Québec Research Center and Laval University looked at how overall eating habits, as well as dairy intake, could affect overall metabolic health.

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