Breast Cancer Survival: By The Numbers

Breast Cancer Survival: By The Numbers

The survival rate for people diagnosed with breast cancer is pretty good (80 percent recover and go on to live for at least 10 years) but the ordeal can easily be overwhelming. Still, there have been steady improvements made in both longevity and quality of life for those undergoing treatment.

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8 mistaken beliefs about breast cancer

8 mistaken beliefs about breast cancer

When we hear of a woman who has been diagnosed with cancer, most of us tend to assume it is breast cancer.  Part of this is the fact breast cancer gets a lot of media exposure compared to other forms of cancer.  But for women in the United States, with the exception of skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women and according to, for 2017 it is estimated that about 30% of cancers diagnosed in women will be breast cancer.

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The Hidden Breast Cancer

The Hidden Breast Cancer

Invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) is a particularly rare and particularly insidious version of breast cancer. Rare, as it affects only 1 in 10 people diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Insidious, as it can spread easily to other parts of your body like other invasive breast cancers, but ILC does all this without ever causing lumps to form. It is even more difficult to find on a mammogram!

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