Why menopause raises women’s risk for heart disease

Why menopause raises women’s risk for heart disease

The average age when American women enter into menopause is around fifty-one. It is during the postmenopausal years that set women up for an increased risk of several health conditions, including heart disease.

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How frequent should Pap smears be after menopause?

How frequent should Pap smears be after menopause?

Does this also mean she is done having regular Pap smears by her gynecologist? The answer to this can vary depending on who you ask but generally, pap smears are still recommended even for postmenopausal women.

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How early menopause affects women’s health

How early menopause affects women’s health

A condition called primary ovarian insufficiency or POI (previously called premature ovarian failure or POF), affects approximately 1 out of every 1000 teens and adult women between 15-29 years of age.  Around the world, POI affects 1 to 2 percent of women. 

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16 Signs perimenopause has arrived

16 Signs perimenopause has arrived

During this time, your ovaries gradually produce less estrogen, causing follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH) – which are responsible for growing and developing eggs – to rise and menstrual cycles to shorten. 

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5 common misconceptions about PCOS

5 common misconceptions about PCOS

The condition is not well understood and therefore many women may be getting bad advice from their physicians while suffering needlessly from the side effects of PCOS. 

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A quick quiz on cervical cancer

A quick quiz on cervical cancer

Cervical cancer has a way of subtly sneaking up on a woman.  Often, the first sign she even has it is getting the call from her gynecologist’s office stating she has an abnormal Pap test – the only cancer the Pap test screens for is cervical cancer

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Know the facts on early onset Alzheimer’s

Know the facts on early onset Alzheimer’s

Out of all forms of dementia, AD is the most common form.  It generally occurs in people 65 and older but an uncommon form called early onset AD, is one developing years before AD usually strikes. 

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