Women's Unique Heart Disease Risks

Women's Unique Heart Disease Risks

Heart disease is the number one cause of death among women in the U.S. yet it remains woefully under-diagnosed. Part of the reason is that heart attacks were, from the 19th century well into the 20th, viewed as being caused by stress. It was a disease for “hard-working and ambitious men,” and dying of a heart attack, like sweating, was simply not something a proper woman did.

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What a woman’s waistline says about her health

What a woman’s waistline says about her health

It it’s getting difficult to zip up a favorite pair of jeans or slip into a snug-fitting dress, a woman may have an expanding waistline to blame. Often considered an expected part of growing older and especially after menopause, fat accumulation in the abdominal area better known as belly fat, should not be taken lightly.  An expanding waistline may be crying out “help” since as the body shifts fat to the abdomen, it also carries with it serious health risks.

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Reduce crippling menstrual cramps with yoga

Reduce crippling menstrual cramps with yoga

Ask any woman about menstrual cramps or commonly referred to as “the curse” and you will get a wide range of comments from them being barely noticeable for some women to severe enough to interfere with daily activities.  Symptoms can range from mild to moderate and can include abdominal and pelvic pain which may also spread to the lower back, nausea, vomiting, loose bowel movements or constipation, bloating in the belly area, and headaches or feeling faint.  Not exactly a time of the month women look forward to.

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