How soon can sex resume after delivering a baby?

How soon can sex resume after delivering a baby?

The first few times having sex after delivery, take it slow and easy.  Start with cuddling, kissing, or giving a massage to ease into the act of lovemaking.  If vaginal dryness is an issue, use a lubricating cream or gel.  Experimenting with different positions can help by discovering what relieves pressure and what doesn’t on sensitive areas.

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How to keep sex alive and well when you have diabetes

How to keep sex alive and well when you have diabetes

A chronic illness has a way of throwing a wrench into many aspects of our lives including sex.  Type 2 diabetes is one such disease in which sexuality is commonly affected and experienced by both men and women with this condition. Not only can this disease cause sexual complications for both genders but it can also cause gender-specific issues.

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Should a man worry about blood in his semen?

Should a man worry about blood in his semen?

When a man notices blood in his semen it is a condition known as hematospermia.  It can be unsettling and may cause worry but this fairly common condition is usually considered a benign issue and is rarely a problem.

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Is sex a key to longevity?

Is sex a key to longevity?

 We know sex is for procreation, its’ fun and can build intimacy within a relationship.  But is it true it could also increase our life expectancy?  It may be possible. Healthy sex is essential to a healthy life and when we are healthy, we are more likely to live longer. 

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How to recognize and revive loss of libido in men

How to recognize and revive loss of libido in men

It’s difficult for most men to pinpoint when exactly the lack of interest in sex started.  It’s a gradual process that begins to become more noticeable when the loss of desire extends for several months or longer

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Saving Sperm Cells 'For Later'

Saving Sperm Cells 'For Later'

It's a common practice among men preparing to undergo radiation or chemotherapy to have their sperm frozen, as both procedures can render the sperm infertile. But what about boys, who have not yet entered puberty and have no sperm yet to freeze?

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Sex – nature’s superior weight loss aid

Sex – nature’s superior weight loss aid

You’ve tried everything under the sun to lose weight - cutting calories, increasing exercise, low-carb diet, high-protein diet, weight loss shakes, weight loss supplements, fasting – yet you still have those last few stubborn pounds that won’t budge.  Have you ever considered sex as a supplemental weight loss method?  Let’s think about this – sex gets our heart pounding working up a sweat, increases metabolic rate, stretches and strengthens muscles plus gets us into compromising positions we normally don’t do.  And can you really think of a more fun way to burn calories? 

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Blood Type and Erectile Dysfunction

Blood Type and Erectile Dysfunction

Universal blood donors may have one more thing to brag about: they perform more reliably sexually. New research indicates that men with blood type O suffer fewer problems with erectile dysfunction (ED) than any other blood group. Put another way, men with blood types A, B and AB are the most at risk for impotence.

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Could I have spermatocele?

Could I have spermatocele?

Up to one third of men will have a common condition causing a small, painless lump in the scrotum called a spermatocele. A spermatocele is a benign cyst in which there is an accumulation of sperm that comes from the head of the epididymis.  It may also be referred to as an epididymal cyst as it is found within the long, tightly coiled tube called the epididymis that lies above and behind each testicle.

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12 ways to make sex exceptional after menopause

12 ways to make sex exceptional after menopause

No matter what age a woman goes through menopause, hot flashes and vaginal dryness do not have to end one of life’s most pleasurable experiences.  With a few suggestions on how to keep your love life hot and satisfying, sex post-menopause can be some of the best sex you’ll ever have.  In fact, many women report sexual frequency and enjoyment actually gets better with age – kind of like a fine wine that only improves with time.  During this phase of life, women are often more self-confident and self-assured feeling free to tell their lover what they want in bed, making the relationship grow and deepen. 

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Choose Your Weapon: Viagra, Cialis or Levitra

Choose Your Weapon: Viagra, Cialis or Levitra

If you are a man of a certain age (or are anyone of any age who listens to AM radio in any major market) you have heard about Viagara, Cialis and Levitra. These are the big brand names of the most popular erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs (sildenafil, tadalafil and vardenafil, respectively), and ED drugs are doing gangbusters business. But have you ever wondered whether these drugs are differentiated by anything other than their brand names?

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